
Thank you @metaradiant! You are very kind, beautiful, advanced soul! Very few people know about "15D j-seals" and how one can remove them. Please let me know the guidelines for this process?

Thank you very much for your kindness! 💫

I am currently in the United States of America, California. I am guessing you may be across the world and this may not happen in a physical meeting. lol. Anyways the sessions are beyond time and space.

Do you have a picture with your full name? We can choose a specific day and time to tune in for removal of implants and seals. I will do some prayers and interdimensional magick to see what we can do in those realms to shift the physical essence for encoding of the ascension and activated ability templates. You can be in meditative receive mode during this chosen time of timelessness.

After 33 minutes, you may get up and hydrate with a lot of water, and write down your experiences and insights you may have received. If you are happy with your experience and prayer session, any donations are appreciated =)

Yes, I'm in India. That's great. I will put my picture below. (please don't upvote this comment so that I'll be able to remove my picture before 7 days.)

My full name is "Abhishek Rathore".

Please let me know your timing. Thank you! :)

Are you available today to go into your meditative state before you sleep? We can do this for today or tomorrow if you like.

I'll do it tomorrow before I go to sleep. Is there any exact timing I need to follow?

What time do you usually sleep? I will tune in simultaneously in sync here in california and match it with your time in India

I sleep at 11:00pm. So, I will start that meditation from 10:30pm. :)