Living in Love

in #spiritual6 years ago

I once read a self help book called Miracle Morning by HalElrod. It’s a great book that helps you see the way you begin your day sets you up for success or failure, in other words a good or bad day. It explains that you should make a routine of at least 15-30 minutes a day and stick with that every morning (ie brush teeth, exercise, read the Bible, meditate and listen to motivating messages). This book is great at showing a way to begin the day with intention.

Adding to this, it is even more important to start your day with focus in your heart chakra. Thereby, to live a life with your attention on love and seeing the world through our heart instead of our old belief systems. There is more neural communication going from your heart to your brain, than the other way around. Neurological communication (nervous system), is not the only way the heart communicates, it also sends messages through your body in pulse waves, hormones and electromagnetically as well, which can be measured with an EKG and other labs. When there are too many heart messages that you have been ignoring, the heart can fail. It is a scary thing when your heart is sick because it is the powerhouse of the body. Eventually, ignoring heart messages can lead to death of the body. The first sign of a sick heart is complaining, condemning and criticizing people, places and everything around you. If you ignore the heart communication of emotional insecurity, you will be filled with low vibration and thus manifest disease and you will feel stuck in life instead of living light and free.

What does it mean to lead with the heart chakra? It means to see the world the way God does with an unconditional loving heart. It means to send love to everyone and everything that you come in contact with or think about. It is seeing the God light in everyone even before they can see it in themselves. It is not allowing people to talk you out of their greatness. Even better for yourself, when you are heart centered, you are in high vibration, no matter the experience, it is always working out of you. When the heart is imbalanced, it is hard to control negative feelings, you can see that you are acting impulsively and you are not able to stop it as you watch the world crumble all around you.

As soon as you wake up in the morning, let this be the moment you realize your greatness by seeing how lucky you are to live one more day. See yourself thanking God for the roof over your head and for the warmth and comfort of your body in your bed. Upon waking, our minds are a clean slate. We get to choose how we start our day. If you have to wake up with an alarm, tell yourself the night before that you will wake up before your alarm and you do not need the alarm because you are excited for a new day. Your subconscious mind will work on that all night for you and before you know it, the alarm will only be a safety net and not a crutch. After your quick prayers of gratefulness, in the journal by your bed, begin to write those things down. Then sit up and close your eyes and hear your heart messages. Breathe deeply and listen to you breathe and try to feel your heart beating out to the rest of your body. In these quiet moments, you will find peace and calm, you will begin to feel centered as you learn to trust your intuition. After a few minutes of calmness, you can imagine sending pulsating energy out into the room, then imagine you are sending them to your loved ones, see them happy and smiling and thanking you for your love. Do this for your co-workers, the janitor, the clerk at the grocery store, and lastly your enemies. Imagine your enemies smiling and genuinely happy, imagine them thanking you for loving them. Feel intently what it feels like to love first, does it feel vulnerable, does it feel good, does it bring you joy?

Throughout your day, when you come in contact with someone, see yourself speaking from the center of your body, through your heart chakra, instead of your brain. See light around everyone you meet and imagine their greatness. Imagine you are so electromagnetic that you have the power to influence the vibration of others. Low vibration people are no match for you. They are actually in luck when they meet you. When you imagine their greatness and see them with loving and good intention, they can feel a change inside of them and are not quite sure what it is. What you are doing is influencing and reminding them of who they REALLY are. The body is a conductor of energy and our electromagnetic fields are not just encapsulated in our bodies, we are all connected, we all can feel each others emotions. Think about how you can feel the emotional energy of a room full of people, say at a party or a meeting. It may feel dreary until that one magnetic, funny person enters the room and lightens up the atmosphere with their energy. Emotions are energy and vibration, we are all empathic, and thus we can feel the emotional states of others. We also can feel the ugly energy of others as they are inflicted on us, we can accept the energy or encourage positive change in them. You are a magnetic, energetic being, it is up to you how you choose to use our energy.

Contact me for suggested essential oils to use during this process.

How to use these oils?…/en/essentialoils-using-oils-safely

What oil to choose?

How to buy? or inlove.jpeg