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RE: The daily post

in #spinvest5 years ago

I joined Steem a few years back and enjoyed the sense of community that was there, you had real people commenting and discussions were often productive. It was still a bit gamey with regards to trying to gain the attention of whales but it had potential. I took a break and started a new account, this one, last year and it had changed but I still felt it was worth sticking to.

Anyway, I looked into Steem again a couple of days ago to see what had changed and was surprised to find out about the HIVE fork etc. I started using Steem again but it was an awful experience. Communities seem to have ruined the tag filter and it was harder to find good, original content that someone had actually taken time to write. It was even harder to have a discussion or to get your own stuff seen.

Unfortunately it seems like it's a similar experience here on HIVE too. It's a shame because there's so much potential but I don't feel it is being fulfilled.

What does the future hold and is it worth trying to sink the hours in to building an account anymore?


Is it still WAAAAAAY easier to find "good" content on HIVE than steem.

Most of the stuff on steem is double posted from (or on) HIVE anyway.

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