Yesterday, as a native English speaker I went to see a play in Spanish with German subtitles in an old silent movie theatre. That's an interesting mix!
The play was written and directed by Alfredo Félix-Díaz and I recommend it to anyone in Berlin over the next two days. Tonight (March 16th) the subtitles are in English and tomorrow (March 17th) in Spanish. Of course it's best if you can understand it in Spanish and give all your attention to the beautiful piece.
From the outside it looks like any other grey, ugly building, but inside it's a delight. A lot of work has been done on it but it still retains a shabby chic and a hint of the past, with the seats grouped around tables rather than in conventional rows. The acoustics are great and the venue is a popular host to a wide variety of events.The Former Silent Movie Theatre Delphi is worth a visit all on its own!
Go see this play if you are in Berlin. It deserves a huge audience.
Ich war gestern bei einem Theaterstück in der Ehemaligen Stummfilmkino Delphi. Es spielt auf Spanisch mit Englische untertitel heute (16.Marz) und Deutsche Untertitel morgen (17.Marz). Ich empfehle es wirklich.
Die Gebäude auch erfreut die Sinne!
Viel Spass dabei.
Perhaps of interest to you @juanmiguelsalas