Good morning, first of all, I have not had the same enthusiasm for training with calisthenics or with weights, I feel that I became tired a little for myself, I attacked the monotony and exercise is of vital importance for the body, considering that I am an active person who always stays in some activity, since this morning I want to dedicate myself again to resume that romance with dumbbells and bars.
So I prepared a coffee to be active in my routine and I had the opportunity to get equipment (some weights, cement) True, they are not records, but the important thing is constancy and dedication and above all the desire that we will put to this, and above all seriousness.
I hope you like me if you left these habits do not take too long to take them back, and what better way than with my routine, the truth I hope to be of vital help, I consider that the training should be conditioning at the moment, with a low repetition of 6 to 8 would not be bad, although I will work from 8 to 12, and maybe from 15 to 20 depending on how I unwrapped itself.
The routine consists of:
Dumbbell Press 8 to 12 x 4
Dumbbell rowing on the floor or bench 8 to 12x4
Shoulder press stopped 8 to 12x4
Diamond pushbars 8 to 12x4
Stops biceps curl: 8 to 12x4
Squat with dumbbells 8 to 12x4
fermorales 8 to 12x4
All this in function of getting muscle mass, you can repeat it 3 times a week with intermediate days, in excess 4 times, on Mondays you must use it in low repetitions if the last day of training before that was in high repetitions , your next training will be according to your past training ..
I hope my friend helps you! I can not wait to do this routine!
If you are going to advertise other people workout videos you should have their name in the description. That's the right thing to do! I will FLAG your post for this if not corrected
If you are going to advertise other people workout videos you should have their name in the description. That's the right thing to do! I will FLAG your post for this if not corrected