El Sueño (Original Art by my Daughter- arte original de mi hija)

in #spanish8 years ago (edited)
Mi hija @cmgsteems estaba usando su cuenta para compartir su arte y su talento con la comunidad de steemit. Dado que su cuenta ha sido bloqueada, ya que al parecer parece que los menores de 13 años no pueden tener cuenta en steemit- aunque nadie de steemit me ha confirmado este extremo- pienso seguir yo compartiendo su arte ya que ella estaba super ilusionada de compartir su arte. Por supuesto que los fondos que genere los post que haga en su nombre serán transferidos a su cuenta. Espero que me puedan contestar pronto de steemit para hacerme saber si su cuenta, aunque esté bloqueada, se le pueden transferir fondos.

El sueño fue dibujado en su clase de español y ésta fue su interpretación. Espero les guste :)


My daughter @cmgsteems was using her account to share her art and her talent with the steemit community. Since her account has been blocked, apparently it seems that children under 13 can not have an account on steemit - although no one from steemit has confirmed this to me yet - I will continue to share her art on steemit on my account since she was super excited to share her art. Of course the funds generated by the post made by me on her behald will be transferred to her account. I hope I get a reply from steemit to let me know if her account, even if it is blocked, funds can be transferred there. El sueño (the dream) was drawn by her in spanish class, and this is her interpretation of a dream. Hope you like it! :)


Awesome. Don't give it up.

Thanks for your comment @gonzalezy! I will transmit the message to my daughter.

beautiful drawing, i dont think there is an age restriction for using steemit, i say this cos i don't remember being asked birthdate when i signed up, i might be wrong here. anyways your daughter is a creative artist. keep on encouraging her.

Thank you @darkerhorse! My daughter's account is not the only one that was blocked. That is why i am ASSUMING that is the reason hers was blocked. I am still waiting for a response from steemit/support/help/ anyone who can answer me some questions. Thank you for you comment. She loves it when people like it and comment on her work :0)

I'm glad to see you helping her continue on. She is very creative.

Thank you! Yes she is creative and loves art. As long as she does it I will help her. Take care @marillaanne

No response yet from admin? They should give you the account access, for somebody else 13 or above should take care of the account.

No official response from anybody on #steemit. Tried reaching out to @sneak by chat and email, since he was the one that responded to @gmuxx's son. Tried #help in steemitchat too. No luck yet. I am patient and hopeful somebody will reach out from #support to answer my #questions. Thanks @mathworksheets!

No response here either

:/ the thing is @gmuxx if they close our kids accounts for age, they should close ALL kids accounts. At least be fair.

Or allow us to manage their accounts. Like @little-peppers.

Let me know if you hear anything and so will I! Thanks

This is my thinking too. It was after seeing your daughter's posts and the little peppers that I thought my son would enjoy posting here.

I will let you know if I hear anything

Let's wait, hopefully someone will respond. We should not loose this account.

Muy imprecionante . y que siga desarrollando su talento . lo mejor para su hija . esta hermoso con lo que usted comparte . muy bella su post . me gusto mucho .