I've been absent for a while. I'm studying engineering. The matters in my 4th year are not as difficult as i pictured, they are worst. Studying for hours every single day. Sleeping less hours. It went from normal student life to only work-study-sleep. There were days where i didn't spend more than 10 mins using my cellphone.
But i won't give up. I'm gonna get my degree.
He estado ausente por un tiempo. Estoy estudiando ingeniería. Las materias rn el 4to año no son, como me las imaginaba, dificiles. Son peor. Estudiando muchas horas todos los dias. Durmiendo menos que lo normal. Pase de tener una vida normal de estudiante a nada mas trabajar-estudiar-dormir. He tenido dias en los que no he pasado mas de 10 minutos usando mi celular.
Pero no me voy a rendir. Obtendré mi título.