[Esp/Eng]❤️valiosa mujer❤️/valuable woman

in #spanish2 years ago


Ante todo un saludo cordial para todos los que hacen vida en #Humanitas es un honor para mí participar por primera vez en tan bella comunidad, dónde abren un espacio muy valioso para brindarle a mujeres y hombre la oportunidad de conocerse a sí mismo y a otras personas, dónde se nos da la oportunidad de abrir puertas hacia nuestro crecimiento personal. Yo quiero compartir con ustedes una carta dirigida a mi persona, esperando sea de su agrado.

First of all, a cordial greeting to all those who live in #Humanitas, it is an honor for me to participate for the first time in such a beautiful community, where they open a very valuable space to offer women and men the opportunity to know themselves and others people, where we are given the opportunity to open doors towards our personal growth. I want to share with you a letter addressed to me, hoping it will be to your liking.

Hola Lauralldetalles me dirijo a tí en este momento con el fin de reconocerte lo valiosa que has sido y aunque tú no te has dado cuenta, busco darte a conocer lo mucho que has crecido y aprendido como mujer, principalmente, como hoy día te valoras y reconoces frente a un espejo, te he estado observando y es increíble lo mucho que has cambiado, aunque a tus casi 43 años aún falta mucho por aprender, necesito que sepas que cuentas conmigo que siempre voy a estar aquí para tí y que a pesar de lo mucho que has crecido aún hay muchos miedos que debes superar y principalmente debes quitarle el poder a esas personas que aún te lastiman, te hacen sentir tan pequeña e invisible, no! Mujer ya está bueno, tú eres fuerte 🥰 valiosa con tanto potencial 🌹

Hello Lauralldetalles, I am writing to you at this moment in order to recognize how valuable you have been and although you have not realized it, I want to let you know how much you have grown and learned as a woman, mainly, how you value yourself today and you recognize yourself in front of a mirror, I have been observing you and it is incredible how much you have changed, although at almost 43 years there is still a lot to learn, I need you to know that you can count on me that I will always be here for you and that despite how much you have grown there are still many fears that you must overcome and mainly you must take power away from those people who still hurt you, make you feel so small and invisible, no! Woman is already good, you are strong 🥰 valuable with so much potential 🌹


Se que por momentos hasta sin darte cuenta te descuidas y haces a un lado las cosas que te gustan🤔pero tranquila, eso le pasa a muchos, a veces por trabajo, por falta de tiempo, en fin por tantas razones, 🤫 eso queda entre nosotras, lo importante en este momento es continuar y retomar aquellas cosas que te gustan, como lo es pintar, crear todo aquello que se necesita para organizar y decorar eventos, escuchar música, ver tv, ir al parque, pisar hojas secas 🍂🍂🍂 y sé lo mucho que te gusta hacerlo, comprar 🌵cactus, trabajar con material reutilizable, recuperar mueble que otros creen que ya no sirven y tú los haces cambiar de opinión 🖌️🔨vamos es hora de levantarse, sonreír y continuar, sola o junto aquellas personas que estén dispuestos a darte la mano y por su puesto aquí siempre estaré yo.

I know that at times, even without realizing it, you neglect and put aside the things you like🤔but don't worry, that happens to many, sometimes due to work, lack of time, in short, for so many reasons, 🤫 that falls between For us, the important thing at this moment is to continue and resume those things that you like, such as painting, creating everything that is needed to organize and decorate events, listening to music, watching TV, going to the park, stepping on dry leaves 🍂🍂🍂 and I know how much you like to do it, buy 🌵cactus, work with reusable material, recover furniture that others think is no longer useful and you make them change their minds 🖌️🔨 come on, it's time to get up, smile and continue, alone or together with those people who are willing to shake your hand and of course I will always be here.



Recuerdas el día que me invitaste para la playa🌊 cuando fuiste con tus primos y tu tía? Te observé en el autobús ibas algo nerviosa por las curvas de la carretera 🤭 pero al llegar te veías tan alegre y era tan agradable escuchar tu risa y más aún ver tu sonrisa, te veías tan bien con tu cabello suelto que no pensé que después de tantos años de aquel accidente, aún te daría pena que otras personas vieran la cicatriz en tu pierna, pero gracias a Dios fue cosa de un momento, porque gracias al apoyo de tus primas y de tu tía, te decidiste y te quitaste el mono y después de eso te veías tan segura 👍 y disfrutaste más de la vista, la brisa que nos refrescaba, fue maravilloso vivir esa experiencia verdad? Quiero agradecerte la confianza que me das al poder compartir contigo no sabes las cosas que he aprendido contigo y sé que nos falta mucho más, recuerda seguir adelante y nunca olvides sonreír y sobre todo contagiar a los que te rodean con tu alegría

Do you remember the day you invited me to the beach🌊 when you went with your cousins and your aunt? I saw you on the bus, you were a little nervous because of the curves of the road 🤭 but when you arrived you looked so happy and it was so nice to hear your laugh and even more to see your smile, you looked so good with your hair loose that I didn't think that after So many years after that accident, you would still be sorry if other people saw the scar on your leg, but thank God it was a matter of a moment, because thanks to the support of your cousins and your aunt, you made up your mind and took off your overalls and after that you looked so safe 👍 and you enjoyed the view more, the breeze that refreshed us, it was wonderful to live that experience, right? I want to thank you for the confidence that you give me by being able to share with you. You don't know the things that I have learned with you and I know that we still need much more. Remember to keep going and never forget to smile and above all infect those around you with your joy.


Hay algo más que quiero decirte, sigue usando esos colores claros en tus prendas de vestir, como el rosado que se no te gusta mucho pero que te va tan bien 🥰 se que tu color preferido es el color negro así como tú gato caraota pero no siempre dejan que reflejen tu belleza, al contrario te apagan, esconde lo maravillosa que eres, ya sabes te me cuidas 🌸 y te envío muchos besotototototes 💋 y gracias por estar

There is something else I want to tell you, keep using those light colors in your clothes, like pink that you don't like very much but it suits you so well 🥰 I know your favorite color is black as well as your face cat but no they always let them reflect your beauty, on the contrary they turn you off, hide how wonderful you are, you know you take care of me 🌸 and I send you lots of kisses 💋 and thanks for being there.

Se que una carta es algo muy íntimo y tan personal, pero estoy segura que lauralldetalles no se va a molestar que esta en lo particular la comparta con ustedes, por lo que espero la disfruten como lo hizo ella, así me lo hizo saber☺️

I know that a letter is something very intimate and so personal, but I'm sure lauralldetalles won't be upset that I share this particular one with you, so I hope you enjoy it as she did, she let me know☺️


🌺La portada y contraportada fueron creadas con la aplicación canva y las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular infinix hot 10 lite🌺

🌺The front and back covers were created with the canva application and the photos were taken with my infinix hot 10 lite cell phone🌺