
Hi @joedukeg, my content is my lived history. If you can not respect people without knowing them and who they are as people you show me the excellent content that is able to produce according to their interpretation. Do you think that producing good content is to visit someone else's blog and write that their content is shit????

I congratulate you for this great inspiration and I wish the best for you. If you like respect you should learn to respect.

You're right, Maye I do not use the right words, but maybe you should give yourself a little more time, be part of some communities, and make those who value your content to be in trending be real people, not paid bots.

But it's not your fault, not directly, maybe it's Steemit that has to change.

Pay about $ 5 to the prepaid bots, and let the community decide if you should be trending or not.

Sorry but I think it's my decision who I want to pay. So specifically in this case I prefer to pay my followers who believe that my posts are important to learning their lives from the experiences I have lived and I am sharing here. As an artist I learned that I have to worry about my fans and not about those who criticize me negatively or are disrespectful.

Allow me to have my free will.

All the best again !!!

I support what you say, and you have very good judgment when you talk about it being better to take care of your fans than the criticism of other people.

But you have to remember that Steemit works in a way, and a lot of what is going for your post as rewards, somehow you are taking it away from others who also deserve it.

I propose something, which will surely help you more in the long term than this you are doing, which will surely make you win enemies forever in Steemit.

Invest a little less money in your posts, and let your fans and curatorship projects support you.

You could invest that money in STEEM POWER, or somehow create a community and support other creators, win the fans really, not doing this, it's your decision, but I assure you that doing what you are doing now it will not help in the long term.


I see that you are delegating SP to @helpie, a good cause without any doubt.

I apologize if I have been disrespectful, sometimes I do not measure my words. You may have good intentions, your articles may be useful for many people, but I think that is not the most correct way to proceed to pay so much money to be in trending, at least it is not what many consider good, and that's why you won flags.

So you have two options, keep winning flags, if you keep doing the same, or correct your attitude for your good and your money (you will stop receiving flags in your posts), as well as for the good of Steemit and his people.

If you really are as you make yourself look in your articles, I am sure that you will make the right decision.

What another good cause in Steemit to delegate in your opinion?

You can consider delegate some Steem Power for my project @celfmagazine, we are helping a lot of spanish speaking artists including musicians.

You can know more about our project in this post:

But please, consider stop doing this too, it will no cause any good in the future, not for you and your money, not for Steemit an his people.