I started volunteering for Save A Gato in 2014 while I was on a vacation visiting Puerto Rico, and when I moved to Puerto Rico in 2017, I continued to help Save A Gato by working there on the weekends. I love the cats of Old San Juan and respect the efforts of this organization. Please help me support them through my Go Fund Me. Thank you in advance!
Save A Gato manages the colony of cats on the Paseo del Morro and the rest of Old San Juan. We manage them through T/N/R. This stands for trap, neuter, and release. Cats are first trapped, then with the help of local vets we are able to neuter, vaccinate, and de-worm the cats. The cats are then returned healthy to the Paseo to lounge and sunbathe on the rocks. Save a Gato also offers the option to adopt cats while they are going through the T/N/R process.
Here's the link for my Go Fund Me: https://www.gofundme.com/f/cats-of-old-san-juan
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