¿Alguna vez te has puesto a pensar en la felicidad?
Pero antes de entrar en materia quisiera saber:
¿Qué prefieres? ¿Ser feliz o tener la razón?
Cuando me preguntaron a mí, antes de responder reflexioné un poco, y definitivamente prefiero ser feliz, esa fue mi respuesta.
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Have you ever thought about happiness?
<Maybe you have asked yourself an infinite number of questions concerning the subject. Today I want 🗣 🗣 🗣 talk to you about happiness, according to my 🤓 experience and my learning in these last years.
But before we get into that, I'd like to know: ****What do you prefer? To be happy or to be right? ****
When they asked me, before answering I reflected a little, and I definitely prefer to be happy, that was my answer.
Happiness, is a topic that brings many controversies: since childhood we were taught that happiness is associated with the material, ie in the fact of buying things: cars, cell phones, shoes, clothes brands, travel, candy, in short everything that money can pay ...
We were also told that it is related to the achievements or goals obtained: to graduate from college, to get a good job in a recognized company, to get married and have children to raise a family, to buy a good house for the family, to develop big projects in any area but to be accepted and recognized by the society in question... In short, everything you have and what you represent will make you happy...
I,🤔 don't think so; I think that happiness is related to peace in the mind and tranquility in the heart or vice versa, I think it is a physical and mental state that generates well-being and fulfillment. I could say that, it is a state that is reached to do what you want, at the moment you want and all those sensations make you feel good, comfortable, calm and that feeling is all the time; or most of it because we are human and at any moment or for any circumstance this can change, but for the situation of the circumstance itself, not always.
Now, what I mentioned before about the happiness associated with the material. I would associate it with joy, being happy to obtain anything; or to achieve a goal or project, satisfaction to fulfill an objective, this generates joy, it is an emotion and the emotions are momentary, they are fleeting they remain for a short time, while happiness must always be. When you are happy you have the capacity to discern, accept, respect and value the other human beings around you, you have the capacity and maturity to accept the thoughts and different opinions of others and you do not have that need to argue to be right.
For me, to be happy, is to be in a level; in which we understand that discussing the different ways of thinking and acting of the people, is not going to make them change, on the contrary to participate in a discussion; they make you change, they change your mood, your peace, your tranquility, your well-being, your enjoyment, your moment, your health among other things; like your energy, in short...

For all the above, ❤️Queridos Hivers❤️ now I ask you:
Cómo siempre debería ser innegociable 🔥💥 Lindo post.
No hay precio que la compre.
Gracias por leerme.
Excelente post!! Nuestra felicidad esta ante todo.
Así es mi Oscar, debe prevalecer ante lo que sea. Gracias.
Muy bueno! Te felicito por tu post
Gracias. Muchas gracias por leerlo. Me gusta tu comentario.