Ricos sandwiches para cenar😁🍞🧀/Tasty sandwiches for dinner😁🍞🧀[SPA-ENG]

in #spanish3 years ago


Hola queridos amigos, ¿cómo están? Quiero compartir con ustedes unos ricos sandwiches que preparé anoche para la cena.

Hello dear friends, how are you? I want to share with you some delicious sandwiches that I prepared last night for dinner.

Qué mejor que unos sándwiches para cenar en casa, ya que tenemos la costumbre de cenar comidas pesadas de noche y eso no es muy bueno todo el tiempo. Cada vez que como comidas muy pesadas de noche el otro dia amanezco como si no fuese comido en mil años jajajaja, no se si a ustedes les pasa lo mismo. 😂😂

What better than some sandwiches for dinner at home, since we have the habit of eating heavy meals at night and that is not very good all the time. Every time I eat really heavy meals at night the next day I wake up like I haven't eaten in a thousand years hahahahaha, I don't know if the same thing happens to you guys. 😂😂


Anoche preparamos en casa unos ricos pancitos rellenos con queso rallado, mortadela rallada, salsa rosada y guasacaca que había preparado ese día.

Last night we prepared at home some delicious little breads stuffed with grated cheese, grated mortadella, pink sauce and guasacaca that I had prepared that day.

Preparamos varios panes para toda la familia. Lo picamos para luego agregarle todo el relleno.

We prepared several loaves for the whole family. We chopped it and then added all the stuffing.


Ya tenía la salsa rosada preparada en un envase.

I already had the salsa rosada prepared in a container.


Al igual que el queso y la mortadela ya rayada .

As well as the cheese and the mortadella already grated.


Aparte había picado tomates para agregarle al sandwiches

I had chopped tomatoes to add to the sandwich.


Buscamos lo que llamamos un budare o aripo para calentar y tostar el pan..

We looked for what we call a budare or aripo to heat and toast the bread....


Rellenamos todos los panes hasta que estén todo listo para empezar a repartir jejejeje.

We stuffed all the bread until they were all ready to start spreading hehehehehehe.


También hice café para acompañar estos ricos sandwiches hervir el agua con el café de una vez para no perder el tiempo. Jajajaja.

I also made coffee to go with these rich sandwiches and boil the water with the coffee at once to not waste time. Hahahaha.


Luego de hervir el café con el agua quise agregarle un poco más de café al colador para que quedara un poco más concentrado.

After boiling the coffee with the water I wanted to add a little more coffee to the strainer to make it a little more concentrated.


Hasta que por fin había terminado la cena, justo en ese momento se me apago el teléfono por falta de batería y no pude tomarle foto a mi plato jajajaja.

Until I had finally finished dinner, just at that moment my phone went out due to lack of battery and I couldn't take a picture of my dish hahahaha.


Bueno amigos gracias por leerme y tomarse unos segundos de su tiempo, espero que les haya gustado. Hasta la próxima. ¡Se les quiere! 💜

Well friends, thanks for reading me and taking a few seconds of your time, I hope you liked it. Until next time, love you guys! 💜

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


HI @ambarm! That looks a tasty sandwich. Why not share your food blogs in the Foodies Bee Hive community. That way, a lot of foodie lovers could also read them!

@indayclara Hehehe. Thank you very much, I will do it !

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