Introducing myself in steemit

in #spanish7 years ago

My name is Ramon Alirio González, I was born in Trujillo, one of the three Venezuela´s andean states, in a small town called Santiago, on september the 3th, 1966 at 3 am . When my mother gave birth she was 48 years old. Her name is Lina González . I am the last son of my family, we are four brothers and six sisters. I lived in Santiago until I was five years old then my family decided to move to Valera city, the most important comercial center of Trujillo state . I began to study kindergarden at the "Pascual Ignacio Villasmil" school until I finished my six grade there. I studied hight school in two places, the first three years at the "Antonio Nicolas Briceño" hight school, then I went to "Rafael Rangel" hight school to finish the two last years. After that I went to the university : "Nucleo Universitario Rafael Rangel" where I graduaded as Teacher in 1991 Those days were wonderfull times. My childhood was very quite I remember that one Mrs payed me 10 bolivares to take care of her children, one girl and one boy. That was my first job, I just was 9 years old when I did that.
I started to work as a teacher in 1992, at Santa Apolonia elementary school, this school is located at one and half hour from Valera. I worked there until december of 1996. It was a very good experience for me. I met many people and I still keep contact with those boys and girls who were my first students; I love them and always be grateful with them for gave me wonderfull times during my first years as a elementary teacher and also with the other teachers that worked with me in Santa Apolonia. In january of 1997 I Iet Santa Apolonia and began to work in Valera at "Pascual Ignacio Villasmil" where I studied my primary. In this school I have received a lot of good things as the love of my pupils and also good friends that gave me splendid experience for life. I know that God is by my side helping me to be a good teacher for my stdudents. My work make me very haapy, I feel so thankful, is a gift to work with childrend.
I am a quiite man, since many years ago I dedicated my life to God as a consecrated layman,at the catholic organization called "Maria Corredentora reina de la Paz, we work with priests and anothers consecrated men and women giving known the word of God. I also enjoy very much visiting the monks. Here in Venezuela we have the benedictines at Carabobo state and the trappist at Merida state. I like to pray to be in contact with God since vey early in the mornig: I wake up every day at 4 am and the first thing I do is give God thanks for every thing that I have in my life I pray for me, for my family, my pupils, my friends and of course for the rest of the world. I belive that all we need to be fine in the life is to open the heart to God, if we do that we will have a better place here in this planet, that God gave us to be happy. I know that my country is now in a difficult situation but with the help of God and the work of every venezuelan people we going through this and get a wonderful Venezuela, where everyone will put this country in the highest place where we belong. . I like to read about spiritualit, personal growing, music, cultured of others countries and everything thal help me to be a better person. I listen every style of music but I preffer pop music from the 80´s. I like animals, I have two dogs one male puddle and one female golden retriever.
Recenttly I finished a mastery in Educational Orientation. I apply the knowledge gained, on my students helping them to grow up as self persons, believing in themself witn confident, I give tmem some tools to face the life with a better aptituded. I help them to develop their project of life. I also talk them about resilience, self-esteem, and others things that make them to know how to lead the life. I am finishing my life as an active teacher maybe this year or the next year I will be retired but meanwhile I enjoy with my pupils and with my family in special with my mother who on june 3 will be 100 years I will celebrate with my family and friends this, is another gift that I received from God. I live my life trying to follow Jesus, my salviour, I know is no easy but with the help of my brothers and sister of comunity I will do. Sorry my english is no very good.


Bienvenido a la comunidad Ramon.