
I have sent to @bellyrub. Does he know I sent? : ((I do not understand whales either..

Hell you need to send it to @bellyrub you clicked promote, that has nothing to do with bellyrub. You should of asked before you sent any money.

I'm sorry. I understand.. my ignorance is bothering you ..:(
Sorry :(

Please accept my apology. ...
Forgive me for my ignorance..

Hmm.. you didn't send anything to @bellyrub you sent it to promotion.

I'm sorry. I understand! my ignorance is bothering you ..
Please accept my apology. ...
Forgive me for my ignorance

I click the "promote" button 😢 and I do not see any place to paste the link.

i don't know this one either:( sorry alice, can u now click the link and enter may be our community can help u.

😭 I do not know how to solve it. But thank you for taking care of me.

do not worry about it, i know its ur money, but you have other problems to solve,more important than money.
Follow the advice on how to talk to the steemcleaners (cheetah) i will try to connect u on fb soon.

not. Cheetah is not related to this 😢 I did not send to the dolphin, it turns out I sent (null) 😢
My internet network is faulty and I do not know I sent the wrong ..
Does null have any effect?