
I am interested in having a conversation about this if you are. I would appreciate your input.Hello @rakkasan84 thank you for your concern.

So.... first, what is the rule on MEME's?
From what I have seen in my experience, pretty much any image or screencapture is up for grabs when making a meme. If that is not so, or there are better practices that are widely accepted, please advice.
Next, I did take some liberty, since I was using the CaliKim image for a meme, that I used it as my first image, ....minus the meme, since that meme wasn't ideal as the thumbnail, and the other memes did not make good thumbnails.
Lastly, you are right that I took liberty in this post. I had the concept developed before I sat at my computer to compose, and I had neither the photographs from any that I had taken, nor did Pixabay provide any good choices.

So.... what do you suggest? The CaliKim image, I think, does make a good Meme image for the text. If I change the thumbnail, but keep the Meme's is that acceptable? Looking forward to your feedback.

Why was this comment whited out or nearly invisible. Crazy!

it had gotten flagged. No big deal. Crazy things were happening back then. I'm out for the moment.


Oh, okay. Glad it wasn't a. Big deal. Again, good seeing you!! Take care, bye¡!!!!!!!!!


B. Thinks that a quick google search, and copy paste of anything similar covers as an answer.
C. places a link to an article and information that, may in fact, not apply to this discussion at all. A. @rakkasan84 has no interest in an 'intellectual' conversation.

I am still interested in a conversation. If you are short on time, feel free to respond when you do have time to.


You got caught using a stolen image to promote Steemcleaners, which is quite ironic. Own the mistake, correct it and move on.

Taking a screenshot off a known person's video to make her and her partner into a meme is immoral and is gross misuse of intellectual property. Its more serious than plagiarism since what that does is harm the individual in the image.

If you want to look at it from another perspective, it also tarnishes Steemcleaners' reputation. Patrice works her ass off to keep plagiarism and theft at bay and now there's a Steemcleaners meme with stolen images.

Insulting the person who called you out on the act isn't the way to clear yourself or to correct the mistake.

and not really that it matters... because I did borrow the image without investigating ownership or anything. I admit and apologize for that.
But.... I did not screen capture or knowingly take the image from a known YouTuber.
I searched DuckDuckGo for images for "How to compost leaves" and it showed up in the list. I then clicked on it and chose "View File" it showed up on a page by itself. I saved it.
You are right that I should not borrow images without verifying they are open use(Pixabay). My bad. And the images have been removed.

Did you read my reply?
second, this all happened in the last 2 hours. I never made any claim that I would not fix it. I am trying to findout to what extent it needs to be fixed.

Thank you third, the way @rakkasan84 referred to "a YouTuber" I would have never guessed it was his partner. If CaliKim is asking me to remove/ change these images I will most certainly do that. I would never do something with someone's image that They Themselves has a problem with. finally, can you please let me know how it is that I insulted @rakkasan84 ?

I didn't mean that the youtuber is @rakkasan84's partner, was referring to the two people in the images.

Anyways, just use a stock image for the background and recreate your meme, put in some credit somewhere to where the stock image came from. The "extent" is that the image should be replalced with one that's for public use. Seems pretty simple to me man.

Yeah, I'll have to search more for a stock image that will work with the meme. Pixabay had nothing. Thanks

Meme's are constantly being done with images that are on the internet, but are not necessarily public use. Am I wrong about that? Maybe they are constantly 'abusing' intellectual property. I am not an attorney and was just going by past experience.

And I am still clueless about what you meant about partners. The only image I had only had one person in it. Not a person and their partner. I just don't follow what you mean. I looked it up and CaliKim's partner looks nothing like any person I have ever used in any of my posts. Thx