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RE: -

in #spam-bots8 years ago

I'm sorry, but your post is one of the most assinine post I have read here.

"it's so easy to not see spam on steemit,"

I'm guessing you meant that it is easy to see spam on steemit based on the remainder of your post. Yes seeing spam is easy, it is not hard to see when people are spamming a post. @cheetah and @steemcleaners are not, (IMHO), spam.

you just don't follow those people and if you cut all the crap with these police bots then the problem bots will be easier to root out and people can flag them on there own if they don't like it

Oh yes, then when a newbie with 25 rep runs up against an idiotic petulant 50 rep person, who wins that flag war? The 25 Rep person that had a really cool post stolen by a 50 Rep person that posted it as his own, and then flagged the 25 Rep persons post screaming Plagiarism at him?

the people aka"community" are clearly rising up against steemcleaners.

The people? get real, there has only been 158 views of this page. So the question is how many silly assed little bot voters does the poster have. How many auto upvote bots does he control? You think upvotes equate to people? I don't think so.

You are a sour grape, precious little snowflake that thinks the world owes you, you are wrong on so many accounts.


i disagree with you completely. have a nice day. p.s. i could not care less what you think about me. i don't know you, you don't know me, which makes your opinion of me less than worthless. you're just another WHALE ASS KISSER hoping to make some money off of siding with them.
oh hey did you not know you can upvote without reading the article, like everyone does i mean wow if i compared my views with the number of upvotes it would never add up. you guys just love to try and debunk everything talking about how no one knows how this works, only you the masters of the universe know how it works. people like you make me sick to my stomach for about 5 seconds and then i remember, YOU ARE NOTHING! so go ahead chime in with the whales, take the side of the establishment, good luck with that.

It does seem that we are on opposite sides of the fence. You seem to be on the precious little snowflake,(i want, i deserve, if you have it I want it) side. Where as I am firmly entrenched on the side of I do not like plagiarism, (if someone made, created, built something it is theirs) and does not, just because they chose to share it, belong to someone/everyone else. It is still their work and belongs to them, not to you, not to me and not to pjhienz.

oh hey did you not know you can upvote without reading the article

I guess during your intense investigation you missed the part where I pointed out there has only bee 158 views. So yes that is my point about Plagiarism. People ,(those voting without reading), handing over there hard earn money to thieves stealing work from others who receive no, none, nada, zip, back from the asshole thief. I do not follow any robots. I belong to none of the "Clubs", I really don't give a shit about this club that club we can make you rich clubs. "I don't like thieves."

I know here I am again, at any rate I find that I had just one more thing to say. look at this post:

and then you tell me you really think a person with a small Reputation score can honestly make a difference . I think not.