Message to kids going to school

in #spaceshipearth5 months ago

👽Message to all the kids going to school.

If you strung out all the atoms in your body separated by just the thickness of a fingernail, that string of atoms would be long enough to wrap around the Milky Way galaxy. It took the universe something like thirteen billion years to assemble all those atoms into you. (This is the SuperFact.) You are an awesome creation. If you want to stop school shootings and live in a safer world (and of course you do), you have to think bigger as a SuperGroup -- the SuperGroup of SuperStudents on SpaceShipEarth.

Remember the SuperFact: YOU ARE AN AWESOME CREATION. That includes all of you, black, white, brown, yellow, green, pink with purple poke-dots. Forget about skin color. Color is just different frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.

Like each other. It doesn't matter what you look like. It would be an absolutely stupid world if everybody was identical to everybody else. God took thirteen billion years to put your atoms together. God obviously likes you. You would be following God's way if you liked each other. And, you know what? The more you like each other the more powerful you become, powerful enough to be a major driving force behind the DragonFly Asteroid Miner global SuperProject that will stop the insane wars...

MindFuse your collective mind together to see yourself as ONE SuperGroup of SuperStudents on SpaceShipEarth supporting the DragonFly SuperProject and school shootings will come to an end...

boing boing


Boing Boing 😎👍