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RE: Why We Need To Colonize Other Planets

in #space7 years ago (edited)

I am so glad you made this post! I get so frustrated with people that say expanding into space is a waste of resources and time yet are quite happy to complain about overpopulation and the abuse mankind has on nature.

The overpopulation argument is what bores me the most because when you ask such people when they want to die they can't answer other than to say they hope they live a normal human lifespan but we all know, if you were to ask them the same question when they are old and frail they still won't be able to comfortably say they are ok about dying.

The way I see it, we humans are incredibly lucky to have envolved the way we have to have this advanced neo-cortex that has allowed us to do things no other animal can do (go to space).

I don't believe having an advanced neo-cortex means we have to still rely on evolution to get us to the next level. As the only advanced species, we know of, we have a duty to transcend our limitations and to thrive beyond Earth and Sol.

It will require a lot of people to make it happen and once we move beyond Earth, the overpopulation excuse will have no legitimacy.

It is natural for us to overcome problems by transcending our limitations. If too many people cause too many wars, we should just delete whatever it is in our make up that causes sociopathy. If we have too many "mouths to feed" we should harness ribosomes and other genetic technology to create food without livestock.

If we can't find a balance between the left and right we should just leapfrog both and press on with UBI and automation.

We are not just human's we are the worlds best problem solvers and colonizing space is a challenge we must meet or there simply isn't a point in this civilization or anything special about us compared to all the other animals that are not blessed with an advanced neo-cortex.


I know. It boils my blood too. Humanity has always moved forward by challenging problems and finding solutions and by even doing things that were "not needed". Everything pushes us forward and by saying that we shouldn't expand into space is like saying we should deprive ourselves of our basic nature: to explore!!