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RE: Why We Need To Colonize Other Planets

in #space7 years ago

No we do not need to colonize other planets! The whole world population can fit into Canada and still have room left. If we embrace regenerative ecosystems than there will be no deserts. You can turn every desert into a paradise with Permaculture. Don't be silly


Hi @havok777. That is so true. No colonization needed. We can produce the same calorical value of ALL agriculture on the planet today on only 6% of the same are of land, using intense fully organic and extremely nutrient dense permaculture food production. It is only our current food production system thats completely out of balance. KAPUTT.. We can make this blue marble a beautiful place, we just have to shift into the right direction. There is enough space, land and food for everyone on this planet to have an abundant life!

It's not about lack of space for us humans here on Earth. Read the post.