Keylontic Science, DVDs, everything in Torrent form! and my REAL infrared Video of a HUMAN SOUL merkabah! Alien Symbol Code Language! Ashayana Dean Project Camelot

in #space8 years ago (edited)

Video of a HUMAN SOUL a MERKABAH captured infrared video! TOTALLY invisible with the naked eye! It is NOT a reflection it is NOT swamp gas , its a Human Soul, and my friend Greg an I recorded it! We have many UFo videos! Check the video we got of this thing!

See it ? The images on the left have the merkabah overlayedin a photoshop layer, the images on the RIGHt are TOTALLy untocuhed! i just zoomed in on them! can you not see the star tetrahedron shape? the pyramid and upside down pyramid see it? In the video the merkabah(Hebrew for Light Body Vehicle) shape spins around like a "dradel" each pyramid spins around like a gyroscope!

I have lots of other ufo videos from nightvision gogglees!

And here is some shots from John leonard Walson....he takes telescops and tracking systems and records Alien Motherships in orbit! (or US secret SPace program Operation Solar Warden Ships! Like Bob dean and Henry Deacon exposed AND which was CONFIRMED by the Autistic hacker Garry Mckinnon the US trid to Extradite to the US for hacking US Airforce Space Command servers and finding a list of "Non Terrestrial Officers" and a Manffest for two ships, the USSS Curtis Lemay and USSS Hellenkoeter (both named after American ww2 hero general/admiral and the two ships are of the same class) Now "NonTerrestrial officers" could mean Non Human ET officers iin the US space command forces, OR just mean Earth human officers stations off world (Moon or mars base of even moons of jupiter saturn, asteroid belt ceres (has a massive US space command base on it)

here is the USSS Helekoetter same as USSS Curtis Lemay! USSS is United States SpaceShip!

Ok i want to give you more but i Know this stuff is so interesting and we NEED a decetralized cenorship free place to REVEAL ET disclosure like WIKILEAKS!

Honestly now that you know this, ca you understand how possible it could be that Bitcoin and crypto currency is an Extreterrestrial Creation "seeded" here to help us get rid of the Draco Reptillian Bankig Cartels nthat control our paper money supplies!

We fibally have enough computers for the crytpo currencies to be effective! Now its the future! Bitcoin is THE MOST important thng n earth riight now! it has the abiity to do what FREE ENERGY devices can do! Give the money power BACK to the people! Taking the INFLATION away fro our equation
OH i almost forgot here is the BitTrrent link to Pirate Bay with ALL the KS dvds and Keylontic Books and PDFs an lectures
and ALL the codes and Optical Pineal Induction Upgrades for your DNA so you can Ascend up and outof this 3d world into the higher dimensions and go back to Lyra one day inour fully formed 12 Elohi forms Magi Grail Line Indigo Children using our Blockchain BirthRite!! Or Up to Andromeda galaxy! our past lives have been like a vhs tape on repeat an now we are gonna rewind for he last time, convert our video to digital mp4 form (encode our DNA ito Light) and upload our selves to the intergalactic interdimenional youtube! (Upload our DNA or SOUL into GOD or the UNIVERSE or the High DImensional Stargates!)


Very interesting -Thanks for posting - Subbed!

Nice to see the real soul !

Keylontic Science is truly a disclosure topic that needs to be locked on the Blockchain! Thanks for sharing and for your super awesome pics!

its also been locked in the telegram


disclosure will take place in a fucking parking lot? hahah ALL the parking lots imagine all the black kids in the ghetto looking in teh street and seeing SECRET SPACE PROGRAM ships just BLOCKING the road teleporting into parking lost etc

they dont wanna cause car accidents tho but who cares man we nee dthis teleport in the spaceships

space forces has it

we have to do disclosure open source ET disclosure once WE have acces sto the BUTTONS that DECLOAK the ships on a blockchain like a big pleadian video game


Piratebay now dedicated server seeding some stuff extra

also we have IPFS and dtube and DSTOR the opposite of DESTROY

also anything that has been destroyed was basically saved .,.. like when you try to delete data on a hard drive, youre only making it worse lol

what i mean is we will literally RE CONMSTITUTE the library of alexandria TENET style liek de rotating a jar of oil with food coloring? That science experiment demonstration thing? yeah? U know? us ee? YOU MAKA MOMMA VERY RIIIICHHHHH