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RE: Are You a “U.S. Citizen” OR an “American Citizen” - By John-Henry Hill, M.D., Ph.D.

in #sovereignty7 years ago

Regarding the post, “U.S. Citizen” v. “American Citizen”, I am the original author. Of course I used some cutting and pasting: for definitions, court rulings, etc. BUT in each case I believe that I indicated the source. (I presume that it is NOT necessary to tell readers that the 9th and 10th Amendment are part of the Bill of Rights and Constitution!)

Having studied the history and evolution of American law for over 50 years, I have a lot of information crammed into my head. And for much of it, I could not tell you the source if my life depended on it. That information may be new to some readers, but it is part me. For example, in some instances I would write about what I knew was a U.S. Supreme Court ruling (e.g., Slaughter House Cases); but then had to look up the case information (e.g.), 83 U.S. 36,(1873)

In some other cases, I cut and pasted from my OWN previous essays - and using quotes from one's OWN work can hardly be called "plagiarism". Were this an article submitted to a peer-reviewed, professional medical or historical journal, I would list citations and sources much more rigorously, of course.