Humans are often a fickle bunch. We imagine ourselves as the top of the pyramid. We farm Cows, Pigs and other animals. We imagine ourselves to be Sovereign, with Natural and Inherent Rights and we even refer to them as Inalienable. Also, we humans generally carry a certain level of arrogance. We blame others for our sensitive emotional state. We create a list of statements that others are not allowed to say, because we have the "right" to not be offended. We think we have a "God" given right to carry any weapon we want, and may even tell others that Government can pry my gun out of my cold dead hands. (hopefully I was equally offensive to both the Left & Right paradigms here).
But, there is a more clear and accurate portrayal of our life here on Earth. There is hierarchy, whether we like it or not. A Cow might believe it has a right to life, yet the farmer doesn't care. A gazelle might believe it has the right to be left alone, yet the Lion doesn't care. A Wolf doesn't ask a Sheeps mom if it's ok to eat her child for dinner. Gravity doesn't care if a guy high on drugs believe it exists when he jumps off the 20th floor. AND... Those who rule Governments, don't care what rights a Citizen believes they have or don't have.
Certainly, within a Cosmic order or some Higher Universal Principles, all souls are equal, but that has little to do with our Earthly experience. Here on Earth, there is Hierarchy, and to deny it is ignorant. Yet, to take steps to reduce Hierarchy is commendable. This is what Sovereignty is all about.
People join politics and run for election to bring about better conditions. They join one side of the fence or the other, Left or Right, picking sides and getting attached to an ideology. People learn from their Parents, their Preachers, their Teachers, and the Media, become entangled with a concept and become opposed to any not conforming idea. Generally, most people try and force everyone into their 'ideology'. Isn't that what much of politics is about, forcing every Human within a Geographical Location to abide by the same Cultural and Political Norms? Title 1 Section 1 of the US Code, has a definition pertaining to who the "CODE" is ruling over (look it up).
At some point, some of Humanity begins to see thru the Left / Right paradigm. They begin to pull away from the Insanity. Neither Bernie nor Trump make sense. Yet, at some level, they still blame the 'insane system' for holding them back. "It's those sheeple, if they would just wake up, we could be free." Then those people work themselves to death attempting to wake others up. They use almost the same level of coercion that Statists do, and yet rail against Coercion. They become arrogant and often even remain, to a certain extent, as a Left leaning or Right leaning Anarchists or Libertarians or ??, spending eons of time trying to convince others why "their" way is the best. Some people get absorbed into "Alternative News", believing that if they can just find the perfect "fact" and get the truth out, they can turn around Humanity for the better. They hold on to some Narratives, and attempt to fit every fact to support their narrative. It doesn't matter if it's the left wing "Global Warming" or right wing "Guns save lives" or another 100 narratives. That very act of holding on to a certain Narrative, is what's keeping them from finding a solution.
At some point, some of these people move up even further in understanding. They quit being allured by "alternative news" hopes that white hats will arrive and save the day. International Law is very clear here, that taking personal responsibility for your life is a highly individual choice. You cannot force others to wake up, and someone else can't change Government for the better for everyone. There is an ancient Maxim, that all people get the Government they deserve. Is this what got Kennedy and King killed? Often, many of the people join 'Sovereign' Movements, be it One Peoples Public Trust, or Free Man of the Land, or another dozen solutions, and they begin to challenge the Court systems. But, these people are forgetting that they are NOT the top of the Hierarchy. They still can't bring themselves to realize, that when your a Gazelle, you don't Challenge a Lion.
In this case, the Lion, so to speak, has written about Society for hundreds of years. There are thousands of pages written by scholars and jurists on the topic of 'Self-Determination' of a People. The rulers have laid out a blueprint for the Citizens (Gazelle) on how to accept their equal position among the powers (Lions) of the Earth. The Law of Nations, The Law of War, the Charter of the United Nations, three Human Rights Conventions, Rights and Duties of Nations, Rights and Duties of States, Convention on Diplomatic (Lion) Relations, and in books like the Law of Nations, the Social Contract, and dozens and dozens of works by Philosophers such as Erasmus (1536), Grotius (1645), Hobbes (1679), Pufendorf (1694), Locke (1704), Vattel (1767), Rousseau (1778), Vergniaud (1793), Henry (1799), Kant (1804), Paine (1809), Jefferson (1826), and Colton (1832) and many more.
It all has to do with forming your own Nations, with Pledging Life Honor and Fortune to others of similar nature, to living an impeccable life and realizing that we are not islands that can live alone, instead that we must form alliances built on trust and honor.
The Humans are an amazing animal, built extremely frail, yet with amazing intellect and abilities that allows them to do and be what no other animal can. Human, on it's own can't survive in the wild. We are Naked Apes, subject to the weather, and built with little to protect us. Humans have to work together if they want to survive, and they have to have Honor if they want to stop being Citizens (Gazelles) and accept their equal position among the powers of the earth.
This post got me thinking more continuing from where i had stopped about these animal's meat we buy from butchers to eat. I was trying to figure out how their animal families feel and at some point i felt like i should go vegetarian. Even with this dominion given to us i believe we all ought to be treated equally especially fellow humans because we are one, we have one origin. Thanks for the post