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RE: Eskom and the Cycle of Debt

in #southafrica5 years ago

Not sure where the microchip idea came from, as it was not a part of what desteni wanted to create at any point. Bernard pushed people's buttons, so he'd talk about people's greatest fears and sources of conflict. So in things like microchips, he might say he'd want that implemented to push buttons, but that doesn't mean he's actually do it if given the opportunity.

desteni doesn't really have any political agenda. as I mentioned, the focus is on self, practical living, being an example.

At the end of the day the only way that people will change is by people changing on an individual level. I cannot force another to see a point, or change a point. I can share what I have lived, what solutions have worked for me and what solutions haven't worked for me.

Another aspect of the focus of desteni is the principle of as within so without. The world is a reflection of who we are on an individual and collective level, in every way.


Here's a song with poetry by Mahmoud Darwish. It has a strong principle hidden in it. It denotes that the cycle will continue if you let it/want it to and a new cycle will be born or... we can stop it, collectively or individually, either is possible. Collectively we create new worlds. Individually we get lost too quickly in our own delusions. Just as when someone dies and sees only the dark, then adjusts to the dark and senses more. The world has changed around them, they are no longer in control of its form. This is why a shift must be done collectively. Through collective momentum, the power of the mind shifts reality. A power so great it can create worlds.

As long as we are pitched against each other, this power is robbed from us. It's the secret of communion. It's the secret of secret societies. It's the secret of isolated sects. Our collective will creates. One person in disagreeance can stop that power.
