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RE: Communism then and now ⭐️

in #soulfulrelating3 years ago

I wish this article would be read by ignorant Americans who think communism is trendy, progressive, or even moral. Communism has never brought anything but misery to any society. Pray God will crush the demon of communism before another generation suffers as you did in Europe during the Cold War (which was a real war for those of you behind the Iron Curtain.)


The problem is that many see socialism as the savior, when in reality, socialism (the way it will be) is nothing more than communism in a spruced up jacket. Democracy is another illusion many people fall for. There's no such thing. American (and many other) presidents aren't elected by the public, they're SELECTED by the powerful. Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump, Biden. All the same cloth, just different faces, one worse than the other or the same. And the same goes for governments world wide. All of them puppets to the system. Those who aren't, coincidentally die...