Natalia Jespersen — Toccata in C (2019) for organ performed by Carson Cooman

Natalia Jespersen (b. 1968) was born in St. Petersburg, Russia and educated in music there. In 2001, she emigrated to Denmark and studied organ from 2003–07. Jespersen has served as organist for churches in Holstebro, Denmark. As a composer, she has written numerous works for piano and organ. this on Carson's YouTube channel

Who am I?

This post is by Carson Cooman. An American composer with a catalog of hundreds of works in many forms—from solo instrumental pieces to operas, and from orchestral works to hymn tunes.

Official website:

Steem User Account: @carsoncooman

Carson Cooman has authorised the music.syndicate account to syndicate content from his YouTube channel, Contrebombarde page and website. His account will remain reserved by music.syndicate and is receiving a portion of the rewards from his content on other sites.

Music syndication

music.syndicate is on the lookout for active, engaging and regular music content from authors on the web. We will be creating free Steem accounts for these authors not on Steem. They will receive 50% beneficiary rewards for their syndicated content. Once the author has decided to join Steem, we will stop their syndication. We will also stop syndicating content at their request, at anytime.

This initiative was inspired by the Steemleo onboarding strategy.
