Sonic Mania review

in #sonic7 years ago

Hello everyone glad to finally be back, most of the time spent on a youtube channel but rather than bore you with those details I'll get started on my review of Sonic Mania. The latest Sonic the Hedgehog game to be released.

As always I'll go through the characters, story and gameplay and then give you the conclusion. Ensuring your time and money aren't wasted.

STORY and characters

The story of this game is the same as most 2D side scrolling Sonic games, the evil Dr. Eggman (that appears to have an endless amount of wealth to create robots despite having no noticable income source) creates a bunch of robots and gets his hands on the chaos emeralds to overwrite reality.

Really this is all just an excuse to have Sonic, Tails and Knuckles go through a bunch of crazy random levels with all kinds of crazy puzzles in them. That way you can go through all kinds of wierd zany levels to find the chaos emeralds and for the thousandth time stop the evil Dr. Eggman which brings us to the gameplay.


Now the gameplay is beyond a shadow of doubt the biggest thing this game has going for it. The gameplay is fast as a sonic game should be, its a smooth 60fps on every platform its on. The old levels that have new additions and nwe puzzles mixed into them made me worry at first that it would be too much yet I found myself pleasently surprised at how seamlessly they went into gameplay and how much they added to the experience. Heck I could go on for hours about them but I don't want to spoil the game or make this review too.

New bosses have also been added yet well...I'll be blunt not all of them are really that good. Yet even with those bosses that weren't that good I never found myself bored nor did I feel like the developers were just outright insulting my gaming skills so for that I mostly give them a pass.


Sonic Mania is a callback to the old school 2D Sonic games that has clearly worked out very well. The only real complaint I could make about the game besides the bosses would be it felt really short. A dedicated player that doesn't rage quite could knock it out in an afternoon.

Now I was going to mark it down for that yet then I started thinking about it more and decided to increase its score. After all if one of your biggest complaints about a game is that you felt it was too short. Well that can only be because you enjoyed what you got so much you want more and that's a plus in my book.

Because of this, this game gets a really good 9 out 10. Only being marked down because unless your a fan of Sonic games it might not appeal to you. Yet for those that loved those games you'll enjoy this game immensely and feel a bit guilty for only paying 20 dollars.