The two bugs:
- Commenting on a post on the BC isn't going to the bc with hive signer
- Company/Groups isn't using SME balance
Both are pretty simple to fix, but we are working on them!
The two bugs:
Both are pretty simple to fix, but we are working on them!
Note though, we don't anticipate any problem w/ these, it's just basically adding the containers, controls as needed :)
There are several of bugs and sidetracks ... where do you want them delivered? Here or Telegram? maybe Telegram to show with screen dumps?
any bugs you find, you can send to or you can just post them in telegram. There's not a TON of bugs w/ this application, we did a massive update today that inlcuded more than 20+ fixes lol
Aha! Great! :)
tips and tricks then?
like if I enter a post 25 posts down, read it and upvote, get back, then one can't continue scrolling down and check the rest of the feed. One has to start over from the top again... on every single post one reads or clicks. That gets annoying...