Some brilliant sayings to succeed against life's failures..

in #some7 years ago


What is success? There are many definitions, but there is only one thing that everyone agrees: Success comes from persistence, despite failure.

Below are 51 statements that inspire success in your life and business in the face of failures, obstacles and barriers.

1 - Success is not final, failure is not fatal, the courage to move forward matters. - Winston Churchill

2 - Better to fail with originality than to succeed with imitation. - Herman Melville

3 - The path to success and the path to failure are almost always the same. - Colin Davis

4 - Success usually goes to those who are looking for. - Henry Thoreau

5 - Opportunities do not happen, we create. - Chris Grosser

6 - Do not be afraid to give up the good to go to a greater good. - John Rockefeller

7 - I discovered that the more I work, the luckier I am. - Thomas Jefferson

8 There are two types of people who will say that you can not make the difference in the world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid of your success. - Ray Goforth

9 - Successful people do what unsuccessful people do not do. Do not wish it was easier, uro that you were better. - Jim Rohn

10 - Do not become a man of success, be a man of values. - Albert Einstein

11 - Never give up on the convictions of honor and good intentions. - Wiston Churchill

12 - Boll followed the money, followed the passion. - Tony Hsieh

13 - Success means moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill

14 - I give my credit for my success to the best advice. - GK Chesterton

15 - Will I Give You a Formula for Success? It's easy. Double the failure rate. Thinking about failure as an enemy of success. But that's not all. You may be discouraged by failure or learning from him, so go on and make your mistakes. Do what's possible. So it finds success. - Thomas Uatson

16 - If you do not risk the ordinary, you have to adapt to it. - Jim Rohn

17 - Those who are so crazy as they think they will change the world, they do. - Anonymous

18 - Every day I do something that scares you. - Anonymous

19 - The only progress is to get out of the comfort zone. - Muchael Bobak

20 - Successful people have momentum. The more they arrive, the more they want to reach, and the more they find the way to achieve success. -Tony Robbins..


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