
I've voiced my disagreement with how Bernie flags but he doesn't seem to care what I think.

As far as the StInc TOS is concerned, I think a case could be made based on how they interpret it.

Nevertheless, wouldn't think that would do any more than block his accounts from their API.

Yeah, that user actually started their flag abuse in retaliation to Bernie to include flagging those with associations (believe through voting). Later Steemcleaners and SFR got dragged in. Basically guilt by association.

Few of us brought this up to ngc back in the day when we actually had a working relationship and he set up a vote bot to counter the association flags.

Yes, I am aware of the irony that the one countering guilt by association flags would later be dealing with them

Steem is a strange place... Or rather I should say it amplifies the peculiarities of people... To include those on the more hypocritical end.