Opportunity to invest in Russian renewable electricity projects before the IPO in 2020

Who are we?
We are doing our work for the benefit of a new era of electric transport
Electric motors are not only used in future electric cars. Today it is difficult to imagine our lives without using them. Vehicles, industrial equipment, household electrical appliances are provided by an electric motor.

Duyunova Company has written a new chapter in the history of electric motors, announced the development of innovative electric motors, working better and stronger than their predecessors. Transmission with Duyunova motors goes faster and longer, requiring no regular maintenance. The Duyunova engine has a longer lifespan and increased efficiency.

Large machinery and industrial machinery for production, construction or agriculture shows higher productivity, while consuming less electricity.

Duyunova engine is safe for the environment. As the material for their production can be used induction motor emissions.

Motorun wheel Duyunova has found its application in various fields

Developments owned Duyunov, breaking records
effectiveness and gain recognition professionals
Developments owned by Duyunov
Thus, a bicycle with a motor-wheel of Duyunov is distinguished from its counterparts with a high speed - up to 101 km / h.

The Duyunov's motor on an electric scooter gives him enough power to drag a 1.5-ton car along.

And the electric car, equipped with four motor-wheels of Duyunov, accelerates to 140 km / h and has a cruising range of 600 km.

For the production of motor-wheels Duyunova does not require expensive and scarce magnets. Its design is simple, and does not involve a large number of parts. Due to these factors, our motor-wheel is smaller and lighter than its analogues, it will last longer and will save money.

Phân tích thị trường bánh xe động cơ trên thế giới
Phân tích thị trường động cơ bánh xe được thực hiện bởi cơ quan tiếp thị MegaResearch. Khách hàng của đại lý bao gồm các công ty lớn của Nga và nước ngoài:
Thanks to the data obtained, we understand that:

the total number of motor-wheels installed in the world in 2017 amounted to 26.57 million units ($ 2 billion in cash equivalent);
the potential of the world motor-wheel market in monetary terms by 2030 will be 3.2 times higher than in 2017;
an increase in the share of motor-wheel supplies for promising areas of application will increase to 7.8% by 2030 (1.9% in 2017);
the world market of motor-wheels is far from saturation today, primarily because of their high prices; lower prices for motor-wheel will lead to a significant increase in demand in various industries.

Join our team!
The project of Duyunov is a Russian industrial startup and, by right, is called a national one.
Funding for the project Duyunova originates in 2017.

According to the plan, 3 years of financing will pass in 20 stages.
Even before the start of financing, a genuine interest in Duyunov and his technology was visible.

The successful start of the project led to the fact that in the 9 months of its existence, 350,000,000 rubles were invested in the company of Duyunov, which is several times more than expected for the year.

Due to the fact that we managed to open and equip a laboratory much earlier for experimental tests, in 2018 the first installation batch of motor-wheels will be released.

To date, the project Duyunova has 7,000 investors and 2,000 partners around the world!

Register in your account and invest in one of the most promising projects.
Becoming part of the Duyunov team, you will receive not only the possibility of co-ownership by an international company, but also financial stability.

Do not hesitate! Investment packages in the project Duyunova rise in price with each stage!

How does it work?
Superiority engine Duyunova. Advantages of motor wheels
Modern electric motors are inferior to the motor-wheel Duyunov in their characteristics.
We distinguish six main advantages of motor-wheels:
Low cost
due to the simplicity of the design and the abandonment of the use in the production of expensive materials

Energy reduction
which contributes to reducing electrical losses in operation

Increase engine power
due to high starting and minimum torque

Impact Resistance
external physical and climatic conditions

Environmental Safety
in the production and operation of engines

Small size and light weight
compared to other existing motors

Motor-wheel Duyunova 1.5-2 times improves the basic indicators of electric transport or other devices and equipment, wherever it is used.

Successes in the field of engines for 2012-2018
The engine of Duyunov receives a prize for the best innovative project in the XI-contest of Russian innovations.
The electric motor of Duyunov passes the demonstrative tests on the mine electric locomotive “ERA”.
According to the technology of Duyunov, a wind synchronous generator in Tyumen has been modified. As a result, the generation of energy by the generator has increased, compared with the original.
Duyunov creates electric motors for Ukrainian trolley buses and electric buses, which are successfully tested in the streets of the city.
The car generator of the KAMAZ-Master team was upgraded with windings using the Slavyanka technology. By the way, the car became the winner of the rally.
Renault Kangoo 4x4, converted by Duyunov technology, shows record-breaking characteristics in comparison with electric cars of its class
Active modification of electric motors at various enterprises in Russia, Ukraine, Eastern and Western Europe demonstrates energy savings of up to 60%.

Duyunov patents
Dmitry Alexandrovich and his company carefully monitor the copyright on all developments belonging to the project. Therefore, all intellectual property of Duyunov is protected, and all inventions of the scientist are patented.

Take part in the public funding of the Russian project
What will you earn?
We invite you to become a co-owner of a successful company. And this means that the investment shares you have acquired will begin to bring in money as soon as the project begins to receive the first orders for its products and the modernization of obsolete industries.

You can dispose of your assets at your own discretion - sell, issue a deed of gift, or leave them to earn income in the form of dividends.

To reach the maximum possible profit, the company organizes its activities in several directions at once:

sale of licenses for the right to manufacture and rewind engines
Duyunov technology
development and implementation of process equipment and accessories
for the manufacture of electric motors
sale of finished engines
and motor wheels
reinvestment and development of own production
electric motors
According to experts, the first profit Duyunova company will be released in 2020, the year.

You can start making money with the Duyunov project right now by taking part in an affiliate program! Follow the link and get all the details.

How to become a member of the project?
Register in the registration form, just below and get access to all documentation.

Registration is possible by specifying an email or personal page on social networks.

Already a member? What's next?
Now you can:

Deposit money to the account of your personal account with the most comfortable
for you the way
Become an investor of the project, choosing and paying, one-time or in installments, one of the options presented investment packages.
Become a partner of the project and start earning

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