In the month of December we produced over 0.90 MWh (Megawatt hours) on the farm.
Winter has shown up to the area and we are seeing a drop in solar power production at this point. Pulling more power from the grid to make up for the lack of PV is just what we have to do right now. Though soon I hope to build out a second array and maybe by next winter I will have more than sufficient PV even during the winter. On array A we are producing so little I rarely charge the batteries, and I find myself charging them from the grid more and more to keep them at a good voltage. So it will be interesting to see how this all plays out when I have excess solar in the winter in the future if and when I build out the second array. Luckily we have generators if the power goes out and the batteries are too low. So should be in good shape regardless when we have power outages. But I do want to get array-a up to spec for next winter.
Array A production stats:
PV: 302.7 kWh
Load: 891.3 kWh
Grid Import: 814.6 kWh
Battery Charge: 244 kWh
Battery Discharge: 61.6 kWh
*combined stats are different from screenshot from single inverter.
Array A build:
System Size = 5.5 kWp DC
Panels = Sungoldpower Monocryalline 60 cell (12 Panels, 450 Watts each)
Mounting System = Brightmount EG4 screwed into 6x6 timbers
Wiring: 1x 8 AWG 19 strand PV direct bury wire pair
Inverters = 2x Sol-Ark 15k all-in-ones (240V)
Estimated First Year Production
7,408 kWh
Battery Backup = 48 3.2v EVE LF280 LiFePO4 280AH batteries
Battery Management system = Daly Smart BMS 16S 48V 500A
Battery Capacity = 45.696 kWh (840AH)
Propane Generator = Briggs and Stratton Power Protect 26kw
Array B production stats:
PV: 603.2 kWh
Load: 823.4 kWh
Grid Import: 358.6 kWh
Battery Charge: 316.8 kWh
Battery Discharge: 383.7 kWh
Array B build:
System Size = 9 kWp DC
Panels = Sungoldpower Monocryalline 60 cell (20 Panels, 450 Watts each)
Mounting System = Brightmount EG4 screwed into 6x6 timbers
Wiring: 2x 8 AWG 19 strand PV direct bury wire pair
Inverters = Sol-Ark 15k all-in-one (240V)
Estimated First Year Production
14,815 kWh
Battery Backup = 48 3.2v LiFePO4 290AH batteries (unknown brand)
Battery Management system = Daly Smart BMS 16S 48V 250A
Battery Capacity = 47.328 kWh (870AH)
Propane Generator = Briggs and Stratton Power Protect 22kw
Totals combined for all arrays:
905.9 kWh (0.90 MWh) produced for the month of December
Previous posts on my solar stats:
That's awesome! Solar is on my radar this year. I should have started before now, you know lol.
Oh nice, well its a big undertaking.. Took me over a year to get it all put together.
Best of luck with yours.
Thanks! Yep, I will be doing it piecemeal so it will take awhile too.
Looks like you just barely edged me out this month, Our Solar produced 883 kWh in December. I also posted the last 6 months (as much as I had for annual) stats here, along with the monthly stats.
I'm also hoping to take some money from our tax refund of this year's investment and add another 8-12 panel array. I was surprised how much the vehicle charging pulls from the house stats.
Nice, glad others are also making solar reports.. It will be interesting to look back to when you have more panels.
I feel ya.. Soon I will have an electric UTV and I think its going to use much of array-b's surplus solar.
Eventually I am going to upgrade array-a and maybe I will buy an electric road vehicle after that. As indeed they do need alot of power..
Thinking about the new dodge ram truck that is all electric.
I went with the Chevy Blazer EV RS AWD this time (previously had Chevy Bolt EV). I am SUPER pleased with it. Actually has become my favorite vehicle ever owned.
I'll do a more detailed post on it one of these days as I keep threatening. The RAM and the Chevy/GMC Trucks all look like Winners too, but a bit more expensive. I had the Chevy truck on pre-order, but dropped it when they doubled the price. I'm not on the Farm anymore, so don't need the truck bed, and the Blazer is perfect for me now.
I expect December will be my worst month for generation with the short days and this one was not very sunny. You are doing great.
Yeah I feel ya, indeed the short days and less sun intensity is having its effects on generation.
Getting enough solar energy even in winter is a cool goal.
Yeah, its a hard goal to meet
Best wishes to you from this month of December 2025 and may we continue to support you and continue our visits in the publications. Best wishes.
Ah thank you, hope you have a good 2025 as well.
Likewise my dear friend, have an excellent 2025 and may we visit each other to learn more from our publications. Congratulations. Success
Oye que se ahorra buena electricidad con los paneles, no sabía, de la tecnología que fuera tan potente.
En mi país con la situación electrónica que tenemos no sería mala idea tener disponible de ellos para seguir haciendo los trabajos del hogar y la tienda.
Saludos @solominer 😊👏🎆!!!
Ah yeah having solar is nice.. for our first year here the power would go out all the time. So its nice to have a backup.
It's great. You use nature as much as possible and you are an example to us in this regard.
I have been thinking about producing solar energy for a long time, but the costs are quite high.
Yep sure do..
Indeed it does have a high cost. You can always scale in though.. Start small and add more panels and batteries over time.
My first arrays just powered some outdoor landscape lights.. then I built a bigger one for my workshop.. And now I have ones for my whole house.. So start small and build up over time.
Wow this is beautiful and innovative.
Wishing you loads of successes in your endeavour in 2025.
Although i'm new here on the blockchain and still trying to find my way around it but i'm looking forward to reading more from you.
Happy new year 🎊
Ah thanks.. hope you have a good 2025 as well.
Awesome! The power you have is amazing in December, in the middle of a tough winter. I think this project has the capacity to be more efficient and have the best impact in the future!
Yeah it is quite amazing, my first year with this array but its proving to be quite impressive.
The fall-off from August to December is remarkable - but the total output is still a meaningful amount of power considering we just had the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.
Reading through your post again it sounds like your goal is to be 100% self-sufficient even in the winter months. It looks like the cost per watt has sort of leveled off over the past six months. Is that what you are seeing when pricing the next array?
Sure is... I was expecting some but not this much.
I would like that, but at night I would need a massive battery bank to make that a reality. But during the day the plan is to have 100% solar providing power.
I've been learning more about solar and you shared a lot about it. You have installed on-grid solar or its a different like ofgrid or hybrid?
Oh cool... it is an on grid solar.. So when I am not pulling in enough power from the solar panels it uses grid power as well.
This is cool and I am reading more about it because I'm planning to get a 5kw solar installation done by this year end. On grid is not a good option for me because there are power cut and this is why I would prefer to have hybrid model
"Your plan is truly visionary and practical. Adding a second solar array will significantly improve energy production during the winter. The combination of batteries and generators also ensures you're well-prepared. Wishing you success in achieving your goals and managing energy even better in the future!"
Ah thanks, its been a big work in progress but well worth the investment I think.
"That’s wonderful to hear! Hard work and smart investments always bring great results. I hope your efforts lead to even greater success!"
Lots of solar panels! Do they come cheap? They are madly expensive over here.
Hah yep..
No they are not cheap. Each one is a few hundred dollars.
More solar array will definitely be a relief to ensure you have power all the time.
I wish you luck.
Sure is nice having a backup.
thank you
I think, it's a good number for what is expected for the kind of weather. Well, I hope it goes well too.😊
Yeah, its good enough for the moment.
Feliz año 2025, excelente opción energía sana ..sin destruir el planeta
Ah happy new year to you too.
Hehe yeah, that is the plan.
By praying, it seems like you can really save electricity manually because using this tool you can charge it using the sun
Yep.. that is the long term plan.. It should save me in the long run.
I'm glad you're taking advantage of sunlight in your home, I hope you can incorporate the other panels you have in mind
I appreciate you sharing these statistics
Have a happy and prosperous 2025Hello Mr. @solominer, good day
I had a horrible time keeping batteries charged in Alamosa during the winter.. there just aren't enough hours of sunlight..I would have loved the option to pull from the grid..
Yeah I feel ya, seems like I need more than enough panels for the summer to have enough for the winter as well.
It is nice, glad to have a hybrid setup.
Such green energy sources like the solar power gives us freedom wherever we are. Put also some wind farm around it and that could provide full energy independence. I am looking for a such hybrid solution for a cabin I want to build in the mountains.
Oh cool.. yeah this setup is a nice hybrid to have. We can do alot of cool things with the sol-ark's.
One question comes to mind whenever I see you posting about solar energy:
Do you have to pay tax to have solar energy? Is it mandatory to pay some kind of tax to the government? Here in Brazil I think they have or are thinking of implementing an additional tax for using solar energy and I'm like "damn, they're going to tax the sun, how is that possible?"
I do not think so, quite the opposite. I can get a tax credit for how much power I produced.. and all my equipment are tax right offs as they are business expenses for my farm.
I see, so it's a great business to have solar energy on your farm. As I said, here in Brazil where the government can impose a tax it does, so it's complicated, for anyone who wants to invest in something, there will be a tax waiting for you.
I think that's amazing what you're doing there with the solar farm. It's not surprising that you have less solar energy to use right now but can I ask if you do get your second solar array built will that mean you will then be totally solar sufficient? Will that mean you never have to use the grid for your electricity supply?
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Thank you, it is quite the farm.. It is nice to be producing power now, its been such a work in progress. glad to have it now.
Yes, during the day time my extra solar panels should get us to a point where we do not need any grid power unless we get some very foggy/cloudy days.
At night I would need to greatly increase the size of my battery banks to be completely solar sufficient. Maybe I will do that in the future as well, but first will be more panels.
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