Ok, I have been black listed by @mack-bot because I am replying to my own post 5 times a week with the same comment. This is estimated to be comment farming.
Which source of energy can we use to day is the biggest issue for our future.
Oil has peaked around 2010 and is on a plato.
Burning more coal and gaz is self detructing for humanity.
Wind, solar and hydroelectrycity provide large source of energy that we can transform in electricity for our needs.
The perfect mix for renewables are something close to 45 % wind, 35 % solar, 10 % hydro, geothermal, biomass…
Because solar energy represent less than 1 % of the total energy we are using on the planet, it requires more education and more investment. This is why I have created the account @solarcoach. I have commented and upvote post about solar energy each week and I have transfered money to @thegreens so they can purchase solar lanterns in Cameroon.
@solarcoach has been able to collect $1 or $2 each week only and this is not acceptable. Today the account has about 386 followers and I would like to use our collective intelligence to find a way to be more efficient in our endeavor to collect money to finance solar projects.
Brainstorming are based on exchange of ideas, even if your idea is not perfect, when you reply to this post, you will give someone else another idea that would not have been issued without your participation. So do not hesitate to participate, you are welcome.

Image source : https://unsplash.com/photos/zoCDWPuiRuA
The issue is that "comment farming" to extract funds from the reward pool is the very definition of both spam and abuse. There are better ways to utilize the Steem blockchain.
To me it also seems very unprofitable to comment farm and get $5-10 a month vs something that receives the intended support and amplifies those earnings. I'm familiar with the Greens and have been since they joined the platform. I'm of the opinion that there's an alternate way that actually makes sense.
I've taken Mack-Bot and Spaminator off while this is resolved and gave you a real vote.