I see quite high estimates (e.g., 'Estimated First Year Production: 14,815 kWh') for a 9 kWp installation. In my case, having a complex on-roof installation (with a flat surface, shading issues, etc.), I can barely count on a 1:1 ratio. For example, with a 10 kWp installation, I can barely achieve 9,000–10,000 kWh per year.
Of course, the output depends not only on the specific setup but also on geographic location and associated factors like weather conditions.
I'm curious to know how effective other installations are (FYI @ksteem @steevc).
Mine hasn't been alive for very long yet, but you can see my production in the posts here.
and here
We're almost out of our highest consumption months of running the AC units most of the time. I actually thought we would be done last month, but here in Florida, we are still using the AC part of the time in November! In our previous location, we were already hauling firewood and sitting by the wood stove at this time of year. I actually spent this morning at the beach catching the sunrise and yes, it was nice! Pics to come later.
Edit: I actually just found this graph on the last few months usage.
It looks like I'm producing about 1.2-1.3 MWh on average each month, with the best month so far at 1.6 MWh.. The grey color on the bottom is how much I've sent back to the grid during our peak production/low usage hours.
My panels face west, but will not get shaded. The 8kW system has generated 5600kWh since March. So it may struggle to reach 1:1 over the year. The British winters can be pretty grey, but we should get some sunny days.
I'd love to see more people on Hive reporting how their systems do. I wonder if we need some standard way to report it.
@gtg Yes, it may be way off.. I think I was calculating that during peak solar, which will not be the case in the winter. I will revise once I get a whole year of power so it can no longer be an estimate.