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RE: Solos Solar Array production stats – October

in #solar5 months ago

Nice setup. Is the feed in tariff still worth anything where you live?
I have some solar arrays in NSW, Australia that are not worth replacing the broken inverters on because the feed in tariff is so low and the grid connect charges so high.

They are pushing a new regulation that will tax you for every kW that you export to the grid.


When you say "feed in tariff" does that mean how much I get paid to export my power to the utilities? If so the answer is no, its a really bad deal where I live. They pay pennies on the dollar to send it back to them, and have weird rules where you have to provide consistent power of you wont make much money at all.

I know other places in the US its better for solar operators but not really where I live when it comes to exporting power.