A message from the CEO of Zoidiasoft Technologies on coming changes

in #software3 years ago

There will be changes coming to this company that I founded over 20 years ago. First, I am temporarily discontinuing the macOS version of Delphic Oracle XPF. There are many reasons for this change. The good news is that I expect this to be temporary. One of the main reasons is I don’t have the time to be writing software and maintaining several different versions currently. I’m taking care of an elderly parent on 70 acres of farmland with all the chores that go with it.

Delphic Oracle astrology software

Secondarily, I started to see evidence of capture in the IDE that I am working in (developed by Embarcadero Technologies). The subscription model has rendered my code into slaveware where I no longer have control over my own work. I’ve found myself locked out of my own code by Embarcadero employees holding my code hostage to exorbitant subscription fees. Also their code is becoming increasingly more buggy and I constantly have to fix bugs not in my own code just to get things to work right. I’ve had to revert to an earlier version to secure the rights to my own code and make things work well again.

I may also soon be shutting down credit card access for software sales and going to crypto only sales for astrology software with reduced prices. I’m not quite sure of the timing yet, but October 1, 2021 is a major deadline for the US Treasury. Hyperinflation will be the most likely result. Astrologers have forecast for decades (the USA Pluto return, etc) that the years 2022 - 2026 would be the time of the 2nd American revolution, which will affect the whole world.

The main reason should be obvious to most people by now that most of the fiat currencies of the world are about to become hyper-inflated and shouldn’t be held as digital dollars in a bank (actual physical dollars may increase in value due to a shortage of physical cash). Once the collapse has occurred and the parasites currently running the show are run out of power, then some adult things can begin to happen.

Hopefully humanity will have learned the lesson to not allow gain of function research to make viruses more deadly so that those in the billionaire class who hate humanity can try to wipe 13/14ths of humans off the planet to obscure their malfeasance in managing all our retirement accounts (especially since 2008). I expect Nuremberg 2.0 (Dr. Reinhart Fuellmich) to rectify most of this by 2026.

For many years now, as a software developer, I’ve noted the encroaching capture of technology. My first gut instinct that something wasn’t right was when Google came out in 1998 with their “don’t be evil” slogan, but I shrugged off the feeling. The internet was becoming less decentralized and less of an even playing field every day though the word “decentralized” was not part of my vocabulary back then.

Later on SaaS (Software as a Service) was being pushed heavily (by 2007) and touted as being the “more professional solution”. I noted the advertising propaganda as a warning sign, but still did nothing to change the course of my software development. Many have been fooled of course thinking that SaaS is somehow better, when in reality it’s a “slaveware” OS. It does solve the problem of pirating, but at the cost of losing usability and freedom.

The internet becomes the “middleman” and then can scrape up data which is why this model is promoted. Big data has become one of the largest money makers in the world. SaaS has nothing whatsoever to do with being a better technology or “more sophisticated”. In reality it’s much easier to write web apps due to not having to know the low level platform implications and make exceptions for every OS you compile for. As for the security implications, many people like Edward Snowden have shown you the consequences, so I will not go into this further.

Towards the end of that time period comes a new constitutional contract. In previous posts going back several years on my blog, I’ve warned that this was coming. In January of 2020, I became aware that this was going to be sparked by a pandemic due to news from Boxmining from Hong Kong about what was happening in China.

If you aren’t sure how or why we got here check my previous blog posts here, here, here and here - see the notes nearer to the bottom. Suffice it to say that the narrative that the plandemic caused the collapse which they’re planning to use for an excuse, is false. This is massive malfeasance on a scale not seen in all of human history. Of course, most involved in propagating this tragedy are merely unwitting dupes (aka order followers lacking conscience). It is intentional though at the highest levels. We predicted it would happen because we knew where the money was going and why (Catherine Austin Fitts has the details).

A small cadre of powerful elites want the majority of us dead and the rest of us enslaved and have enough money and power to convince many using propaganda to take the clotshot using their engineered sundisease bioweapon to produce fear. One of the many reasons they want us dead is because they stole our pension funds. Payments now are currently running on fumes which is why they need “a great reset”.

If you’re wondering why I’m so confident of my conclusions, it’s because I have inside connections to some in the medical field. I have friends who are doctors and nurses working on the front lines of this pandemic. Many of them don’t trust the shot either and they are reporting that vaccinated make up a large percentage of the illness (as predicted by Robert Malone, MD - inventor of mRNA technology being used in these vaccines).

Once this is over, having done well in the crypto field, I expect to be hiring. With the parasites out of the way, a much brighter future will emerge. Of this I am confident.

  • Curtis Manwaring, Sept 23, 2021



2026 seems a long way off! Let’s hope 2.0 comes to fruition.


✌😎🥓👍For @logiczombie and others.


@taskmaster4450 - I'm planning on switching over to crypto only transactions in my software business later this year. I'm expecting economic collapse in about a year from now. See above...