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RE: The Blockchain is Hungry: Looking Beyond Software and the Sharing Economy?

in #software8 years ago

Brave seems interesting as a browser. Avira also has its own browser (I use Avira Free as an antivirus), but I'm reluctant to try its other offerings because I hate filling my computer with software. I prefer to keep it lean and clean.

Trutheum seems interesting, but I wonder how much use it will get. This opens one up to libel and other attacks if offering truths. I wish they had some examples to show. Also, how can you verify your truths? Anyone can fake screen-shots of text on a mobile phone and make fake news articles easy enough.

Hyperledger is something I really have no clue about. There was not a lot explaining what it is in language I can comprehend.


Brave is worth trying...the speed difference is significant. I agree that Trutheum is utopian with some major potential, but there's a range of concerns given what we know of humans. Hyberledger gets technical but it's very REAL. Already a number of large companies leveraging it to infuse efficiencies into infrastructure and product chains.

Point being...we're not in Kansas anymore