Thanks for the informative reply @lukestokes. I read the article you linked to in your initial comment and I see your point. It does make sense. I don't wish to belabour the issue, but if you don't mind, I'm having a problem understanding your comment
I see "up-vote for up-vote" as more destructive long-term than voting bots (as I outlined in my first reply).
I agree that simply exchanging upvotes without any valued content is not ideal, but it happens among friends and from what I've read amongst witnesses. The argument is that its our vote and we can do with it as we choose. Even self-voting is 'permitted'. But that is not an area I want to dive into at this time (it has been argued to death already by many and I can't see any consensus on the issue). What I would like to know is why you think that voting manually for each other is MORE DESTRUCTIVE than bot-voting? This is a subject I have not read much about.
If you want to attract intelligent people, write intelligent posts and comments.
I began by writing what I thought were intelligent articles and was very disappointed in the number of readers that saw those posts. Likewise, I was disappointed by the 5 views this article got. Its not my article; I don't get rewards from it, so obviously it is not the rewards I'm upset about. It's the exposure, or lack thereof.
You mentioned 2 of my articles but didn't specify if it was the articles that you didn't like or simply the titles. The first actually did generate a bit of discussion, so the title did its job and drew the attention of readers so that they actually opened the post. The 2nd was my frustration after having written another "intelligent" article that was almost completely ignored.
So, I can continue to write articles that practically nobody reads and become depressed, or I can play my games and enjoy my time on here while writing my "intelligent" comments on other people's articles. I believe I have found a compromise to a delicate situation. So what if my zombie players don't have vote power? This platform wishes to expand its user-base and if playing games can achieve that then why denounce it? These players will one day gain vote power and we all grow together slowly. Everyone sees things from a slightly different perspective and that's the wonderful thing about being able to chat with each other in a civilized manner. We get to expand our minds by learning about the perspectives of others.
I respect your opinions and eagerly await your further response so that I may gain more insight into your thoughts.
If you tweeted to very few engaged/interested followers and got no response would you also be disappointed or would you recognize your expectations should change?
Sounds to me your expectations aren't aligned (that's when we get frustrated, when and it can lead to depression: when our expectations aren't met). Maybe this post can help, I don't know.
I didn't, I said "you're doing well" if that matches your expectations for this platform. Your comments implied it was not and you were frustrated, so that's what I said about it. It may be a great thing, but if it's not great at what you are trying to accomplish for yourself, there may be better approaches for you.
As to your articles, I didn't dive in much. Write an "intelligent" article and link me to it in a comment sometime and I'll give you my honest a opinion as you seem to genuinely appreciate that (and I tend to give mine, whether or not it was asked for, hehehe).
I exchange votes with friends because I consistently like their content (that's probably why we're friends). Bots are just extensions of individual's preferences. Nothing magical there. For example, I use to vote up some accounts automatically because they consistently provide great value to the platform (in my subjective opinion) and I want to use my Steem Power to ensure they get consistently rewarded, even if I miss reading some of their posts. Sometimes I unvote stuff that's not my favorite, and that's part of it too.
That's true, but I don't think that's the argument. The argument is what is helpful and what is harmful within the category of doing whatever you choose. Some self voting can be good (sean argues for that here and I've discussed it here as well), but voting "without any valued content" is not just not ideal, it's really bad. It's spam. It's noise with no signal. To say "Well, that happens among friends and whales" is not okay, IMO. If everyone did that (especially when whales do it) the value of the whole platform is put in jeopardy. This has been debated endlessly for months here and massive flag wars have happened over trending posts that some feel do not deserve the value they receive. Some people have practically been driven off the platform for whale voting without regards for quality content while others (for a time) decided to start "the experiment" to suspend all whale voting for a time (prior to hard fork 19) to prevent what was even considered abuse of the rewards pool. So yes, there's a long history here and voting for content that does not deserve a vote is not a good thing. It would make votes meaningless and new users who come to check out Steemit would think the trending and hot posts are terrible and this site is a joke. The value of STEEM would eventually reflect that assessment as would the Alexa ratings. Good authors wouldn't bother writing here either as it would negatively impact their reputation to write somewhere that others thought only had crap content.
If people really want to have an impact here, they should buy STEEM. That's how votes matter more and how people get influence.
If my vote wasn't worth anything, this conversation wouldn't be as interesting, right? :)
I'm sorry I couldn't reply immediately, because it was way past my bed-time and I needed to go to sleep. By responding this morning, it gave me the opportunity to read the posts you linked to without feeling pressured for time. It also gave me time to re-read the reply itself and further digest what you had to say. Your posts and comments are valid arguments and make rational sense. The only problem is that I don't think you understand my situation or what I have been writing.
I'm quite content with my compromise. I have already exceeded my initial goal for this platform and have set my second target.
In real life, I've been there and done that. I have already given more than half of what I have earned in my lifetime away and I'm at peace with myself. I have no need to earn more money; it in itself does not bring happiness. My goal is to work towards bringing peace and contentment to the rest of the world. That is why I am drawn to this platform. It has the potential to contribute towards that.
You wrote lots about voting and the conflicts surrounding that topic. I'm quite aware of all of that issue. The part I'm still not satisfied with is why you would think that buying votes is less harmful than vote-circles. I see both as creating the same environment, with the exception that bot-votes are done without human intervention and as you said, you must sometimes go back and remove votes. This means that when you don't have time to verify all your votes, some will slip by. It is this exact issue of getting those that slip by that make people keep trying because they will succeed at least a certain percentage of the time.
Also, by delegating SP to vote bots, you lose control of your votes entirely and the buyers of votes can vote on anything they please. Beyond that, by automating votes, the social aspect of this social media platform is lost as more and more of the platform becomes automated. It is my opinion that vote-circles are the better of the 2 evils because at least they involve manual voting and instill the idea of a gifting society (as opposed to a society where everyone is only looking to see what THEY can GET).
Consider also, that my intention is for ONLY low level people to participate. My program is not for those with fat wallets to simply increase their wealth. The vote bots have no such restriction. I manually monitor what is going on and can intervene as soon as I detect abuse.
I don't understand your last 2 paragraphs at all. I believe that everyone has a voice regardless of the SP in their account. I have seen authors with brand new accounts say things that had much worth and influenced their readers. At the opposite end, I have seen accounts with fat wallets post pure garbage (of course that's only my opinion). So, no, this conversation would be just as interesting to me whether you had zero SP or 20 M SP.
Of course, I do appreciate your support, as I would the support from someone with just 0.001 SBD for their vote worth. It is the thought that matters.
Thanks, and...
Let's put the social back into social media!
Thanks for the social conversation. :)
If you're just creating an environment where those with little to no SP can vote up others with little to no SP, okay. I'd like to see them get votes with real value behind them though, as I've seen that have a big impact on people's enjoyment of the site. If when they do gain SP and they've been trained to vote everyone up in their own group, regardless of the quality of their content, well that just seems like tribalism to me and I'm not a big fan of that.
If what you're doing works for you and your goals and isn't harming anyone, keep going and enjoy. :)
Thanks to you too for the interesting conversation. I'm glad to have had the chance to speak directly with one of the witnesses I've been supporting with my vote. You seem to be fairly level-headed and open to having civil discussions.
I'm with you on the tribalism aspect for the bigger fish. If there were some sort of weighted vote system where newcomers had just a bit more vote power, perhaps there would be no need for any of the support systems that are currently in place to help minnows get started. That would be ideal.
I wouldn't say that there is NO harm, because there is always the potential for unexpected results. It's a matter of weighing risk versus reward and making a judgement call. It also can require an outside set of eyes to see something that might have been missed. That is why it is important to discuss strategy and understand the desired results versus the actual results.
Ultimately, I see most people are wanting this platform to succeed. It is simply a case of various perspectives trying different experiments to see what works and what does not. It is probably a small minority that have the rape and pillage attitude and don't care about the devastation left behind by their actions.
Cheers to you, young man!
Good call @happyme
It's been an experiment for me in many ways and that's what's exciting. There are broad rules we can all agree on (like don't spam the universe with F4F) but there are also many subjective considerations that depend entirely on individual motivations and needs. I just want to have a damn society people and surround myself with those who make the ride a little more interesting :)
@lukestokes I've certainly learned a lot in the past few months and my perspective has been shifted (and reshifted) regarding big concepts like purpose and altruism and value.
I'm honestly not sure that I've written a post I'm truly proud of, so in many ways I think Steemit can be a mirror that reflects some key insights back upon us.
This feels intelligent: