His book was published in 1984. The fitness gurus ended up ripping off his knowledge and profiting off his ideas big time. All that yogurt crap that advertises "healthy gut bacteria" can be attributed to his work. Like many inventors, he was never properly acknowledged for his contributions. Here's his book: http://www.biblio.com/book/acidophilus-colon-health-webster-david/d/894395959?aid=frg&utm_source=google&utm_medium=product&utm_campaign=feed-details&gclid=CN37iJOwzM0CFYU2aQod5IcNCQ
Even the publisher ended up ripping him off.
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Truly a sad state of affairs.. happens all too often. It's great that you're doing his name good
Well, I had little choice. A friend of mine at the time told me that David Webster was on the brink of suicide. I learned as much as possible about his invention then i decided I would try to help. He told me later on that I helped him from killing himself. He was quite alone when i met him and wasn't eating properly.