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RE: The Vicious Cycle of Social Justice Indoctrination - Part 2

in #society7 years ago

I recall listening to Yuri Bezmenov in my younger days. Thank you for the reminder. The jujitsu of idealogical combat, he called Sun Tzu's methods. Your posts remind me of Frank Herbert's writing regarding oligarchy.

The character of an oligarchy is the tyranny of the minority disguised as the rule of the majority. (Interestingly Bolshevik means "majority" while Lenin's party was clearly the minority during the early days of the revolution.). The bureaucracy is expanded to the limits of a system's resource capacity; thus the increase and encouragement of litigation.

The modern SJW seem like the caricature of the derided Athenian democrat: he makes clay-god of himself and dare to dictate to Heaven his will. The SJW are the "reformers" of the old, who shout "something must be done!" Examine any "reformer" and you will find head full of evil-ideas to destabilize a society. They demand social justice? Will they next command the Sun to stop her nuclear furnace?