
A positively creative and potent article for us all. Thanks for sharing, it is so hopeful and filled with light. Namaste :)

Pretty interesting ideas! I think a token where people could profit and still have some of the profit collected as a donation could be a viable model. I'm sure there would be a ton of people interested if it was somewhat decentralized or transparent.

plus, there'd be the benefit of being able to write off the donation against taxable income.

and of course, would be transparent - and probably moreless decentralized. well, am sure there are plenty of ways could be setup...

It could change the whole charity industry!

It may be an industry in need of change. How much of charity donations statistically go to the cause - like 20%? And, how often is that money spent as one-off handouts rather than establishing sustainable infrastructures?

Think the giving a man a fish versus teaching him how to fish metaphor. That's largely how I see the distinction between where the models ought to be evolving...

This is a fantastic post on application of game theory and tokenization as a means of solving intractable problems. It's a thing we need to understand, as a people that want a sustainable planet: we're not going back. There is no political constituency for restraining growth and pushing people to do things against their economic interests. Harnessing those interests, however, could be done much more effectively than it has, and the potential of those interests to solve ill-defined problems is limitless.

Good analysis. I'll be watching for more.

great perspective. looking forward to more of your contributions...

@rok-sivante - I totally agree that projects to solve major issues of the society and the planet never really take off because there is no bottom line result. I try to spread the message about wildlife conservation and habitat protection - I regularly see great ideas in this field fall by the wayside because of lack of funding.. I think your idea of crowdfunding with something like ICOs is great since it will incentivise people to support a cause they like and also get some financial return. I am totally new to this crypto

Not to be down on the concept, which is AWESOME, but anything that has a physical manifestation in the world is very difficult to tokenize. What incentives do governments, communities, or anyone have to lower emissions based upon the jurisdiction of a coin?

good question. and to be honest, I don't feel qualified to confidently give any sort of answer. or, maybe just lazy.

governments and communities are composed of people. alot of these people realize we need to act fast on cleaning up the environment. there are plans going into place to make these things happen. progress may be slow at this point, but there is motion because at the end of the day, alot of these people are realizing it's not an option to delay if they want to leave anything of this planet left for their grandkids.

the coin is merely a tool. if its jurisdiction could be structured intelligently to help solve the problems that these people in government have been unable to...

i would love it. interesting

Understanding this, is the key to mainstream acceptance of Cryptocurrencies. Thank you for expanding my understanding so that i can try to explain to the simpletons in my day-in-day-out life.

your welcome. t'is a challenge breaking down the potentials and visions of how this tech could be implemented simplistically without all the technical jargon, to clarify the benefits awaiting if better understood...

Pretty deep stuff. But I definitely agree with you with there being no fiat! Good read keep steeming!

Well, here's an idea that I think would be a sweet meme, but I can't code so maybe someone else can have it.

Bee Coins. A non-profit decentralized processing network for environmental science experiments and predictions.
Essentially, it's like Grid Coin, but with a few unique features :

  • Eco-Friendly stores will offer discounts for anyone using Bee Coin - SAVE THE BEES! (meme worthy)
  • The wallet is actually a Hub where you can directly view where the Bee Coin profits are flowing to, whether it's cleaning up plastic or supporting progressive lawmakers in China - all transparent. As well, you'd be able to see what scientific projects are using Bee Coins network for computations.
  • Those who hold [BEE] and help the 'Hive' will attain 'Beekeeper' status and gain dividend rewards.

AND, most importantly, the pre-mine and initial Dev wallets belong to the Bee's of the world, and will increase in value over 20-30 years, in a long-term attempt to not only reward those who support the cleaning up of humanity, but actually impact our progress in a massive way.

I've thought about this for a while, if anyone has spare time and a mind for this stuff, I'd be up for collaborating.

In the end, I think Nature needs to invest in herself. Blockchain makes that possible!

some great concepts in that for sure!

I love the idea of rapid change, lets bring it on!

Thanks this is exactly why i find steemit interesting. You are paid based on the work you have done here, ofcourse people can invest to get more attention but it is still everyone game if you can post good content. The same idea could bring to utility e.g distribute token base on the work you have done. E.g. How must waste you have reduced today. These can be all evidenced in todays world.

Yep. The rewards-for-contribution - based on direct value as determined by community members - model here is a powerful one, just waiting to be adapted to different communities, platforms, industries, etc...

Hi @rok-sivante Thank you for your great post. Your idea is really good and can help solve many problem. Today's society is really walking on the head because of the banskters, the politicians and the greedy one at the top in the dark. Every time one project is done to do something for the better of all of us it is always done for solving a little part of the problem but the greed behind also look at it to be profitable in term of money. Today with the cryptocurrency a new world start to show up with peoples more concern about their environment as well as for the benefit of all. The old system start to be afraid about this new technology open source where they cannot take control but i believe it will be a big battle in the near future because the greedy old system want to take a part of the wealth of everyone of us and the crypto project bring wealth but not for them and they really don't want to loose they power. We are now living a very interesting and historic time on one hand a old system of greed and stealing wealth of citizen and on the other hand a new system made by the people for the people with care of every body wealth and concern about environment, food, free energy. So we have to be strong and organize as a kind of free party all around the world to face the future battles that the old system will engage against us. Big thanks for the post and follow and resteem. Peace and Happiness for all of us

Today's society is really walking on the head because of the banskters, the politicians and the greedy one at the top in the dark

Frankly, I feel it's time to evolve our dialogues past this common blame-game.

Too many have pointed fingers at "the powers that be" for too long. We understand the situation. Now, our energy would better be directed constructively creating and discussing solutions and their implementation.

The issues you addressed are valid. Though, times have also been changing and we're at the point now where none of that is an excuse for not leading innovations in new systems. We have the tools in our hands to generate new outcomes. Focus needs to be forward envisioning what comes next, to move on from where we're at...

I totaly agree with you this is why a project like Steem is so interesting it is a revolution in peace and actions but good actions not war or other conflict. The more we will be, the more projects, the more equitable distribution of wealth. It a little like becoming a nation all over the globe. This is the first project i am 100% confident in and will do all my best to bring it to the most people i can, all with love and respect. The force be with us all.

Nice post. Very informative and thought provoking. Without doubt, fiat money is on its last leg. Has to be a reset on money and a way to take care of these worthwhile projects for the earth that can still satisfy the profit motive drive. Good work and content.

change is coming...

I was just thinking about this subject myself. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and research with us. I will be on the lookout for more :D

Great Article. It always amazes me how Humans do there utmost to destroy the Earth which conquering it as a species is our greatest achievement.