Love Isn't One Cold, Mathematical Equation Of Age-Appropriate Perfection

in #society10 months ago (edited)

Shamia Casiano is the author of this photograph/Source:  Pexels

1.  What Does Age Have To Do With It?

Whenever I hear social-justice warriors ranting and raving about hearing anyone say, "Age Is Just A Number," I prepare myself to hear some unfounded pedophile-panic lecture or sermon from them that they have based upon misinformation and preconceived notions. Well, there is this one mathematical formula that these same people claim to be one to determine an acceptable age difference between two people in a relationship for whatever it's worth.

That same mathematical formula that these same self-righteous do-gooders like to throw around at everyone is as follows:

Take the age of the older partner, and divide it by 2. Then add 7 to it. For example, if you are 20 years old, the youngest person you can date is 17 years old. If you are 40 years old, the youngest person you can date is 27 years old. If you are 50 years old, the youngest person you can date is 32. If you are 80 years old, the youngest person you can date is 47 years old.

My response to that mathematical formula is, "Who in the world came up with it?" Moreover, what intelligent individual would even follow it? At the end of the day, the heart does what it wants rather than what society expects it to do. Equally so, we cannot fool our hormones into desiring something or rather someone that they don't.

2.  Same-Age Relationships Aren't Better Than Age-Gap Relationships

The United States of America is supposed to be a land of diversity. However, for one reason or another, same-age couples appear to believe that they are somehow superior to age-gap couples, when nothing could be any further from the truth. Below is a video about an age-gap couple in which the boyfriend is 62 years old and the girlfriend is 23 years old.

David And Willow Don't Allow Antagonists To Meddle Into Their Relationship

A number of the posts in the comments section for this same video are atrocious. YouTubers make all these comments about a young woman being in love with her grandfather. Do these people live in hillbilly country? Normally, a 62-year-old man would not be old enough to be a 23-year-old woman's grandfather in light of the fact that most men don't marry and start a family until after they get into their thirties.

Nonetheless, one post in the comments section that nails the truth on the bull's-eye is by a YouTuber who goes by the user name of SinisterScoundrel6562. It reads:

I'm so sick of the judgemental jerks out there! What if the guy was a prison exoneree let out after 30 years for a crime he never committed? Does he not still after ages 50s or 60s allowed a chance to create kids and be a family man?? Can't do that with women his age, so he picks a much younger fertile bride. He could even modidy his looks to bring out a much younger look for himself so that he ain't mistaken for grandpa. I'd dye my hair dark and lie about my age too!

What SinisterScoundrel6265 posted makes perfect sense. Nadia Comăneci was an Olympic superstar who was still in exceptional health by age 45 when she gave birth to her first child. Unfortunately, no man in his fifties or sixties seeking to start a family is going to find a middle-aged bachelorette who fits that same description.

3.  Adult Men Will Always Find Teenage Girls To Be Attractive

Anyone out there who suffers from an obvious case of POCD by proxy or rather Pedophile Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by proxy can go ahead and put their pedophile wands away. Adult men have been admiring the beauty of adolescent girls from the beginning of time, and these men are not sexual predators of any kind. They are your everyday adult men who have love interests as anyone else does.

No mathematical equation attempting to regulate age-appropriateness in relationships or love interests will dictate what an adult man feels whenever he sees a beautiful teenage girl. All you have to do to know this for a fact is watch the three oldest daughters from The Weiss Life channel on YouTube model in bathing suits in the video below.

Gracelynn, Gwyneth, and Gabrielle From The Weiss Life Channel On YouTube Are All Three Teenage Girls With Breathtaking Figures

At 2:47 of the video above, the beauty pageant begins. Gabrielle Weiss sets the computer screen on fire with her perfect physique. Gwyneth is a like a natural-born model the way she shows off her beauty. Gracelynn is already stealing the show before she has even put on a bathing suit. She is a woman rather than a little girl. It brings to mind the lyrics from that one song titled "This Girl Is A Woman Now" by Gary Puckett and the Union Gap. You can catch that song in the video below.

The Song Titled "This Girl Is A Woman Now" By Gary Puckett And The Union Gap

American men who decide to travel to the Russian Federation after the end of that same nation's war with Ukraine will learn that teenage Russian girls are like starlets there. Their beauty is so captivating that American men, both young and older, have been known to marry them when they are as young as 14 years old. Below is a series of videos of this one teenage Russian girl flaunting off her genetic gifts.

This Teenage Russian Girl Is Eye Candy And Soup For The Soul

All the pervert-shaming and mendacious pedo-shaming in the world is not going to prove me wrong or even convince me that I am wrong. All the preaching and chastising in the world cannot hide the bare facts. Mother Nature wins this argument. No mathematical equation can refute it.

Klimkin is the author of this photograph/Source:  Pixabay

4.  Final Thoughts

Social-justice warriors and self-appointed experts from purity culture will invent some of the most ridiculous things to back up their misrepresentations of reality, even if they do so in the form of a mathematical equation that has no basis of fact as the one described initially herein. These people need to get a life.

As the world turns and life goes on, men will continue to follow their hearts rather than some self-righteous do-gooder's sermons and lectures. There exists this interesting and rewarding world beyond societal fundamentalists' make-believe utopia of age-appropriate perfection.

Not every man can be Tony Danza or Macaulay Culkin. Not every man would want to be them, considering that their respective clown-car marriages during their late teens were short-lived. That gruesome twosome is not all that. Genuine men are ones like Leonardo DiCaprio, Don Johnson, John Derek, and Oliver Vanetta Doolittle Lynn, just to name a few. High-school prom kings soon become has-beens in their twenties.

Live and let live. Never mind what the Puritanical Establishment has to say about anything. They're not grounded in reality, and the status quo is in dire need of change. Let's end the war on men.

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