Remember When it was Free to Build a Platform on Facebook

in #socialmedia7 years ago

If any of you remember what it was like to have a business Facebook page before they became monetizing monsters, you recall how easy it was to grow your platform. I remember in 2009, all I had to do was make an interesting post and everyone on my page could see the post and like it, which brought in more people. It was that easy!

And, I could engage with my followers, the best part. I got to know a lot of people that I am still friends with today.

Now, we have to pay for the very people that have liked, or even followed the page to see our posts.

After spending several hundred bucks, and getting little results, I said screw it and stopped using Facebook to build my platform. So I have to wonder how many other people did or are doing the same thing? Not everyone has a marketing budget and without one you won't get far on a business Facebook page.

To me, it just seems smarter to make it easier for everyday people to build a platform. Why? It's a reward system. If I work hard to build a network and get nothing out of it, I'm going to go elsewhere. But, if I work to network and it pays off through a growing platform, I'm going to be there 20/7.

Hopefully, Facebook will realize by helping their members build a platform, they help themselves. Until then, I will be elsewhere.

To a better world,
