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RE: Either my content is not being seen or it is complete shit.

in #socialmedia8 years ago

Like everyone else? Way to ball up everyone.

How many people have to explain how to buy bitcoin with a coinbase referall link?

Again, you have a problem with how others are using their accounts although it has absolutely nothing to do with you, at all, and in no sense should that matter. Why does it matter that there's 50000 million of these videos?

I'm supposed to believe they are trying to "help" people?

No, you can chose to believe whatever you wish, if you believe that everyone is using click bait titles and you have an incessant need to get everyone's approval by mimicking everyone, then have at it.

You have a problem with people using popular tags? Is it a problem or is it "your problem"?


I have a feeling you do this with a lot of people.

Someone who does resteeem 99% and nothing own is the right one to comment about creating genuine content and inspiration ;)