
Please don't say tl;dr.

But if so, here is the 3 part movie that is nowhere near as good as the book...
# whoisjohngalt
# dontyouwantreadonmetal
(Even with $140 mil, Grinch is very concerned with your "fair share"? Going on Strike, "stopping the engine," and throwing down the World.)
I finally read Atlas Shrugged around ten years ago... Haven't yet read the Fountainhead or Gulag. Thanks for bringing them back to mind.
BTW, my friend, do you know Paul Rosenberg?
I would love to hear your take on this short article of his:

Are you free to talk for a bit Saturday night? I have limited time tonight or tomorrow to reply otherwise...
I'll see if I'm around here Saturday night. Would, as always, enjoy a visit with you my friend. ;)
Ditto that, and sounds good! I should be able to be online around 9 my time, give or take a bit... (Bli neder.)
movie version please ;)
Only if you've already read the book!!
Thanks for sharing The Gulag Archipelago. I've put a bookmark on it to explore at a later time. As for Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, they are the two greatest books of English literature and they were written by a Russian immigrant.
With exception of one Book, they are indeed the 2 greatest books I've ever read too. I think I've read Fountainhead twice and Shrugged 3 times over the years. Very rarely do I reread something, or care to share it...
Most welcome and thanks for speaking up too^^