Socialism Can Be Very Seductive - Don't Fall For It

in #socialism2 years ago (edited)


I could write up a long diatribe of why socialism is neither the answer nor the way forward. But this graphic says it all.

Nothing more is required from me. Avoid socialism, she can be very seductive, but it's a complete deception.

Peace and Light,


I certainly agree with you from the perspective of Statist socialism. That should be stopped and eradicated in every place it can be. I think that all State governments should be abolished, though. We have the tools now.

We have an alternative and valid option in voluntary socialism. Its just a community and people can have the freedom create all sorts of socialist communities. Without the State (a monopoly of violence in a given geographical area), socialism is mostly toothless.

Words like socialism and capitalism and others get really weird within the confines of the State. We have to take care to keep the meaning in our language or we risk losing a lot.

You're right to point out that I am talking more about voluntary socialism and not the corruption of the state in all its subversion. Perhaps a little socialism is fine when in the hands of the grassroots, but when that force manifests itself in government that's what poisons everything and it all becomes about control, dominance and division.

However, I think if we abolished all state governments we would soon run into trouble. The blockchain is a perfect example. I have seen both the best and the dark side of human nature on the blockchain. There are many good people in crypto who would do a much better job than governments. However, without government and laws sadly there are just too many other people susceptible to corruption and they will always fuck it up and ruin it for the good people out there. I have seen it too many times on the blockchain. And wasn't the blockchain supposed to be part of an alternative solution to government and fiat slave money?

I suppose the difference with socialism and communism, which are very closely related, is that they are projects with a defined objective, whereas conservatism and liberalism are movements with no destination point.

Thank you for stopping by and engaging me with what was a simple post. I will be elaborating on my political and societal thoughts as I develop my blog. I have only restarted this blog after a couple of years away. Thank you also for your vote, always appreciated.

You are very welcome. I look forward to more discussions.

I'm very interested in looking for ways to diminish or eliminate coercive power any where I can find it. I sincerely think the answer or solution is just discussion and finding real ways to out compete the State wherever we can.

We have the tools.