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RE: Karl Marx is Overrated

in #socialism7 years ago (edited)

Ekklesiagora is "ekklesia" plus "agora". This name was chosen because I was really into Murray Bookchin and partially because I was into Proudhon. In ancient Athens, the "ekklesia" referred to the democratic assembly, where the people made decisions through direct democracy, and the "agora" referred to place where the democratic assemblies were held. At the same time, agora holds a dual meaning, as it also means "marketplace" or "market". It's the place where people assembled to do decision-making but also for trade. I was into mutualism, and still am into markets, so agora held that secondary meaning. Basically, ekklesiagora was chosen because I advocate participatory assembly democracy and a market system. However, while I advocate markets, my thought is influenced by Proudhon, Keynes, and Hyman Minsky, so I basically think that markets need to be regulated and that corporations and banks need to be regarded as public or partially public institutions or else regulated in a way that is functionally isomorphic to partial public ownership.

You should check out this post where I talk about Marxism in more detail: