SocialCxN - A Blockchain Solution for Influencer Marketing

in #socialcxn7 years ago (edited)


Promotion of brands, products or services on the Internet, namely - in social networks, has proved itself well in recent years. Most active and interested users who at the same time are solvent enough occupy this space that provids practically unlimited possibilities for various kinds of content - texts, video, audio and other interactive options. SocialCxN is designed to help brand founders do their work to promote a product or service more effectively. SocialCxN platform is an excellent, yet simple and effective tool designed to improve the management of the promotion with its help, brand creators can find the best channels on social networks to inform potential consumers about their products or services using the most visible means. The same number of subscribers will not just increase, but also be monetized, that is, increase sales, generate revenue and gradually increase the popularity and number of loyal customers, mainly through social networks. 

Moreover, brands will be able to find so-called partners or intermediaries online through SocialCxN platform, which will help to increase the reach of the audience and find really targeted customers. Based on the experience gained over time and various knowledge, the founder of the brand will need to prepare the content that most accurately reflects the needs and pains of a target consumer, thereby attracting to the purchase. With the help of SocialCxN, within a short time it will be possible to identify which type of content attracts the most solvent and interested customers and focus on its use. Someone prefers to watch video, someone is more interested in reading informative or entertaining articles or watching memes, as well as following hashtags. In the end, the use of SocialCxN will lead to the fact that it will be possible to sell even more of its products with minimal effort.


In the network, brands interacting online generate some risks that are taken over by SocialCxN system, so the platform user will be safe at any position and able to track the processes that are transparent on the platform. There are certain influential persons, the so-called opinion leaders, on each social network. They can attract a lot of new customers and stakeholders to the brand. SocialCxN is constantly improving the system of interaction with these opinion leaders in order to conduct the most effective campaigns on social networks. Another advantage is that the interface of the platform is understandable on an intuitive level and does not cause difficulties even at the initial stage of work. 

Specialists in the industry and other associated parties are ready to confirm that SocialCxN meets all the requirements of the present day in the field of management and marketing, being a thoughtful and universal tool for finding the target audience and establishing interaction with it through unique content on social networks. For large video hosting, this will help to increase the number of subscribers and views and, consequently, increase your profits. It's no secret that quality and truly effective advertising is the goal that most brands are aiming at, so it's logical that they will not save on a decent reward for authors who participated in the creation of this advertisement. After all, the profit received from new customers and the prospect of increasing sales with the arrival of interested customers allows paying for the quality work of the content author.

SocialCxN offers the best conditions for such interaction, and most importantly - without the need to attract intermediaries, who usually take an impressive interest rate and are not always even and conscientious. Now quality marketing campaigns are becoming more accessible to brands and companies using SocialCxN platform. SocialCxN is a truly integrated media system that benefits everyone - brand representatives, opinion leaders (bloggers) on social networks, and the authors of unique content that sells. The risks for each of the parties are minimal, since the application takes care of all possible risks arising in the process and the settlement of problems. Blockchain technologies have allowed excluding all the unnecessary links in the chain from the process, which previously wasted a lot of money, time and effort.

SocialCxN platform offers the following advantages to its users:

• guarantee of stable, successful and long-term cooperation;

• assistance in making important, strategic decisions;

• effective and at the same time simple and accessible toolkit for efficient work with providing feedback;

• full automation of stages and security of each party of the process.

To attract the right audience, you need to familiarize as many users of social networks as possible with their goods and services. Their time should be paid, however, the creators of SocialCxN believe that at the moment the speed of cryptocurrency transactions is rather low because of poorly developed algorithms and a large number of users. This problem is solved by own CXN tokens, which can be quickly and safely transferred through social networks.

The popularity of social networks has recently exceeded the popularity of websites, so for brands this is an excellent opportunity to notify potential customers. SocialCxN provides effective tools to find the target audience, increase sales, as well as to interact with bloggers and authors and transfer cryptocurrencies as easily as possible through social networks.      


bountyhive username: denvil


Good platform, boys thought over, how to connect advancement of brands, social networks and to simplify this process by own tokenov. Judging to on clients on a platform, all works, and, works successfully!

Yes, platform made by a great team!

Of course I was pleasantly surprised after getting to know this platform, how much everything works, the service is configured as a clock. A simple and at the same time functional interface is available both for those who begin their step in this direction and also for those who already have a good user. I want to say so far only positive emotions about the platform, to cooperate is a pleasure