Judge Not

in #social6 years ago

Judge not.
This is a simple fact we should all live with, "Judge not". We live in a generation where non of us think about it, we all want to say something regardless of what or who we harm, we easily point fingers. We are so eager to point out the failure of people ignoring ours, on social media, everywhere we keep pointing out the bad side of people. Even when a celebrity upload a picture or post, we all get judgemental and tell him/her everything bad. Its good to correct someone, but its no longer correction when you blast the wrong in the public. Judge not so you shall not be judged, a girl once posted her picture on Facebook, a beautiful girl, with her cleavages a bit exposed, instead off receiving a private message to remove it cause of the indecency, she is getting comment of how her stretch mark is like zebra mark. You see how judgemental we are, just so to point out the wrong we can say anything, why pointing out the stretch mark while most of us have more than her. We should know that when we point one finger at someone, three finger is pointing back at us. Remember not to Judge, judgement is for the Marker, don't do His work for Him, focus on correcting yourself.FB_IMG_15498347808279142.jpg