For a while, I have been wondering exactly what to name a certain abstract phenomenon in the realm of perception and have come to the conclusion that “perception tunnelling” is the best fit.
So, what exactly is perception tunnelling? Perception tunnelling is the social engineering black art of stuffing an individual’s - or a whole swarm’s for that matter - perception of reality into a managed abstract tunnel of a very narrow and super-controlled scope going through linear time, but without ever revealing to the victim(s) what has been done to it and that it’s not perceiving greater reality contrary to it’s own belief. Very much like a goldfish not understanding that it lives in the very controlled universe of it’s glass bowl, because it can’t see the glass barrier. It thinks the bowl is the whole world. Another example of this phenomenon is Plato’s allegory of the cave. Once a brain has been successfully perception tunnelled, it will stay in the narrative of the tunnel going forward as long as future input in the form of "truth bombs" doesn't enter into the tunnel to produce tunnel collapse ("awakening"). The successfully tunnelled brain will even construe already passed past events to fit the new narrative it has picked up, so the tunnelling also works back in linear time.
This is how democracies are duped into supporting illegal wars of aggression and how scapegoats are set-up to take the fall for some Hegelian designer calamity meant to hit the perception managed masses to produce a certain output from them in shape of a particular reaction producing a demand or an acceptance of something desired implemented by the perception managing entity which can then deliver by popular demand once this demand or acceptance has been generated. As mentioned, this all works perfectly well as long as ignorance is not compromised by a "truth bomb" passing into the tunnel to explode within the awareness scope of the perception tunnelled brain.
Think of the perception tunnel as a kind of filter where only certain input benefiting the owner/controller of the tunnel is allowed into it through it’s sides while other input that does not serve the population programmers themselves are filtered out. There are no considerations of morality or ethics in this process, there is only what works with regards to the ends sought and what doesn’t.
Here, I will give a few examples of perception tunnelling instances:
The Bolshevik revolution which was in fact instigated by Jewish Zionist central bankers working out of the anglosphere as usual as a mere front for the very clandestine Jesuit order, the military intelligence branch of The Catholic Church. The USSR was one enormous Catholic/Jesuit/Jewish/illuminist masonic genocidal operation committed against Christian orthodox Russians in defiance of Rome/Venice with simultaneous looting happening macro-scale. Today, we are once again being attempted perception tunnelled with regards to Russia, because the globalist oligarchy wants yet another go at it as Putin has clearly become a stick in the wheel, which perfectly well explains why Putin is, the way he is.
The postulated attack on the US warship in The Bay of Tonkin that never happened, but turned public opinion from being against attacking Vietnam to being for it by 90% and the claim that it was all about fighting communism when in fact it was all about the opiate drug business. Vietnam was a massive trafficking operation. It’s reminiscent of 9/11 where US marines are now guarding the opium fields in Afghanistan which the Taleban had burned down, even though nearly all the hi-jackers were Saudis, not Afghanis.
The lie of the Christian Serbs having committed genocide against Bosnian Muslims. This created a general view inside of the perception tunnel of oneself being righteous in the following illegal war of aggression against the Serbs – which was effectively a war crime against the Serbs on entirely fabricated grounds.
The incubator babies that never got killed in Kuwait. It served to turn public opinion for the first war in Iraq once again creating a general view inside of the perception tunnel of oneself being morally righteous in the following illegal war of aggression which was about entirely different things I will not go into here.
Saddam’s weapons of mass-destruction that didn’t exist and his supposed Al-Qaeda connections which justified the second war in Iraq which was about entirely different things I will also not go into here.
Gaddafi being an unnecessarily ruthless dictator to peace loving Libyans who had to go for entirely different reasons I will not dive any deeper into here.
Assad being an unnecessarily ruthless dictator to peace loving Syrians who had to go for entirely different reasons I will also not dive any deeper into here. As an example of an attempt to establish a sneaky little sub-perception tunnel here within the greater one of the war itself, we have the bogus claim that Assad used chemical weapons against civilians in 2013, but people have gotten smarter since Iraq, much smarter. The public is catching up to the hegelians.
The levantic caliphate (IS) actually being a globalist proxy-army secretly established by illegitimate globalist oligarchic powers operating from within the west through puppetized politicians for use against opposition to globalism under their own neo-feudal reign, all funded by taxpayers.
Islam being "The Religion of Peace".
Instigation of a nazi revolutionary take-over of Ukraine at the expense of a democratically legitimate pro-russian government.
"The Russians hacked the election!", "Trump is a Russian agent!" the US establishment is running amok right now, cooking up one ridiculous perception tunnel up after the other, hoping one of them will catch on broadly.
Fiat currency being money.
The massive price suppression of gold and silver through the futures market, obscuring it's real value.
There are many more examples, but you should get the drift by now.
As I understand the phenomenon, perception tunnels are holographic in nature as the master tunnel can contain smaller tunnels and these can contain yet more tunnels individually all the way down to the subjective reality paradigms of single individuals where an artificially induced solipsism would be the pathological extreme. The greater tunnel contains other, lesser tunnels which again can contain yet more, smaller tunnels, not too unlike the Russian doll which contains a multitude of smaller dolls within yet smaller dolls all the way down to the smallest one.
Two examples of how a perception tunnel can contain many lesser tunnels inside itself is ideology and organized religion. Two other examples of greater, wide-spanning tunnels is the phenomenon called political correctness and the even wider, more loose paradigmatic construct spanning the entire spectrum of ideologies and religions, the super-hegelian Anthropogenic Global Warming. Both cleverly disguised Fabian socialistic perception tunnels trying to expand themselves maximally by mentally hi-jacking support from across the entire spectrum of ideologies and religions. According to an internal publication of the Fabian socialistic Rhodes roundtable think-tank called The Club of Rome, the latter of the two last mentioned was conjured up exactly to be able to consolidate all of humanity into a single, planetary governmental construct across all other abstract divides. After all, we can all unite across all convictions when it comes to keeping the average global temperature down if all our earthly lives depend on it, right? Another great example of extreme and outright OCD-maniacal perception tunnelling is Islam and North Korea is obviously an interesting case study here too.
You can also have overlapping perception tunnels as I give an example of here:
The root abstraction of islam, orthodox judaism, socialism, national socialism and fascism is collectivism, so these have their own single perception tunnel too which overlaps some of the content of both "Organized Religion" and "Ideology", but the "Collectivism"-one operates on a more fundamental level of basic, simple principle as a paradigmatic root abstraction for them all. A good example of the illusion of choice in current democracy is the sour buffet of different flavours of collectivism only. In simpler terms: Voters can only pick between different cars as only cars are offered. A motorcycle (individualism) is simply not on the menu any more and people have been perception tunnelled by the system lords to not just not request the option, but even revile it and be personally "morally" repulsed by those of universally non-transgressing principles who would like to live without getting violated and "included" by "The Borg" to feed their own hive lord by whom they have also been perception managed into believing doesn't even exist in yet another perception tunnel, the one of "Conspiracy theory". The individualist is perfectly fine with leaving the collectivist alone, but the collectivist will never leave the individualist alone as there are fruits to be plucked from him under threats of assault violence under unselfish hypocrite cover. Collectivism cannot function in practice without threatening violent transgression and going through with it too if demands are not surrendered to. Therefore, a collectivist system can never be a moral system. As Stefan Molyneux puts it "Virtue can never be achieved at the end of a gun". In spite of this, it's defacto impossible in my hopelessly fabianzied country for a non-collectivist party to gather enough signatures to be able to enter an election race. Even if the case and the party gets in, the impact of the party will be so small, it might as well not be there at all.
Another example here:
What you're not supposed to know about the small "connector perception tunnels" that allowed the jump from one war to another on totally bogus grounds is that it was the US itself diplomatically spearheaded by Donald Rumsfeld that supplied Saddam Hussein with the chemicals he used against the kurds, but since got rid of and Al-Qaeda is nothing more than an offshoot of the Taleban which Szbigniew Brzezinski spoonfed into existence under the table to use as a Proxy army against the Soviets in Afghanistan exactly as the IS has also been spoonfed under the table in Iraq and Syria for some quick proxy action there too as it was also done with Nazi's in Ukraine. These facts are deliberately kept outside the perception tunnel that the bulk of the masses have been dumped into by the corporate-state system complex we live under now as these facts constitute polluting input of truth that does not serve the larger agenda of those who really call the shots from the supranational layer.
To add a dash of sorely needed black humor to all this, my earthly reality looks like this:
Might it be wrong? Could be. But to me, as it stands now, only if there's something even greater and even more sinister above the order itself, something of an origin and nature I barely dare speculate in.
Perception tunnelling creates a mental condition in the victim I call “golemization”. The golem was a spellbound enslaved mythical creature shaped in clay by it’s (jewish!) creator that didn’t have any greater understanding of reality beyond what it’s creator allowed it to have, usually just enough for it to be able to fulfil it’s duties as a useful idiot for it’s master. Sounds familiar? If not, take look at the fake-progressive regressive public educational system that as proved by congressional investigator Norman Dodd of the Reece Committee has been corrupted by the supranational industrialists in the lodges operating through tax-exempt offshore foundations to produce adults that are just clever enough to do what they are supposed to do, but not sharp enough to ask all the right questions about their own situation in the larger scheme of things. It leads to a society where power is really held by those who manage to establish- and maintain a knowledge differential with themselves on the illuminated side of the societal equation. This is what Illuminism with it's compartmentalization methodology is all about. The owl prowls at night, hunting prey it can see, but the prey can't see it back.
Perception tunnelling is basically a psychological warfare technique to be used against the populations of enemies, but we are in the very unfortunate position that it’s now being used much more against ourselves to get us out of the way of the global superclass’ own ambition with the world, an ambition where many of us are also the enemy as most of us would like to keep our countries and our middle class privileges which there is no room for in the despotic globalist neo-feudal ambition with the world post the pending global financial designer collapse which free markets will be blamed for in another Hegelian set-up run by keynesian central bankers. In their mission with the world, most of us are the enemy too!
Perhaps you've heard of the Overton window? This is a very good example of perception tunneling as the Overton Window frames a spectrum of accepted opinion outside of which individual nodes opining in violation of it will face intellectual and social ostracization. Whoever controls the programming of the window, controls the direction of the herd moving forward in perception tunnelled linear time and you can be sure that someone like me is far outside of the Overton window for very deliberate reasons. The Overton window can be used - and is being used - by the global elite's faustian social engineers to get the opposition to the elite superclass itself socially and intellectually ostracised by the insidiously golemized sleepers inside the Window that the awakened outside of it are trying to pull out of the grasp of the "sorcerer". In this day and age, political correctness drives the Overton window, much to our own detriment.
So, how do we fight this insidious phenomenon? First, fight tooth and nail to keep the Internet free. Second. Qui Bono? Who benefits? Always ask this and do a follow the money. Inform yourself. Investigate The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, read Bernays's, Lippman's and LeBon's books in particular. Familiarize yourself with The Fabian Society and the general principles of perception management. As recommended movies, check out The Matrix, Wag The Dog and They Live. Beware of confirmation bias! If you're already perception tunnelled into a false perception of (a) reality, this self-deceptive bias will only serve to keep you in it!
Thank you for reading. It's a lot to take in, but once you get it, you will be much harder to fool going forward. You might even become 100% unfuckwithable if you apply the Trivium and the Quadrivium to all of this.