These group of people on the social media and cyber space are contributing immensely to social media platforms with incredible knowledge and information to better the world.
These group of people on the social media brings deadly poisons to the social media platforms filled with hate speeches, lies, unfounded rumors, fraud, identity theft, hackings, corruptible lewd images, creating fears etc These are the liabilities of the cyber space and social media.
These group of people on the cyber space and social media platforms have made tons of money through their trafficking of merchandise, e-commerce and the sale of gigabytes through every single hit of the button.
I love this group. I wanna be like them.
These group of people on the social media are very active on conference and seminar adverts, wedding news and events, birthday greetings, condolences and funeral events, graduation and matriculation ceremonies, baby birth and baby naming and baby dedication ceremonies, engagement parties, etc.
A very active group.
It Can be very addictive and time consuming without a commensurate benefit of the time invested.
These group of people on social media platforms are the messengers of the good, the bad and the ugly posts.
They like and share every post without even reading or watching the posts.
Someone is gaining something somewhere from every like and share that they do.
I refuse to be used to share the ugly and the bad.
I will share the good that will benefit humanity.
These group of people are addicted to scanning every post so as to add up to their reservoir of information whether it benefits them or not.
Just the fun of it satisfies them.
These group of people on social Media platforms are working for very powerful individuals or agencies or organisations to track activities that are not in tandem with the corporate image or goals and objectives of their pay masters.
They are experts in the cyber space.
They are mostly coded.
They can be brutal in the cyber space if they want to.
The advent of the computer with its hardware and software programs, the internet and its cyber space with its engineers,
the smart spy gadgets, GPS and GPRS with the different satellite stations launched into space have changed the world forever.
All men and all places are now naked before the cyber world.
Even your bedroom and bathroom is naked to the cyber world.
However before the discovery, the advent, the invention of all these powerful tools by man, God has spoken in His Word thousands of years that every thing is naked before Him.
Thanks for this wonderful piece